Personality Elizabeth Lochley

1 personality

1.1 life
1.2 assignment babylon 5
1.3 lost tales


elizabeth lochley forceful, no-nonsense military leader. carries herself military bearing , in public appears model of competent, decisive, , professional earthforce officer. although attractive woman, shows more feminine side of personality in private, during off-duty hours. of personal drive , ambition comes troubled youth , young adulthood, , in private willing lend helping hand or offer advice experiencing personal difficulties , problems. in addition being married interstellar alliance president john sheridan brief period in military careers, has passionate , sexually charged love affair fellow earthforce captain matthew gideon, commander of victory-class starship excalibur. despite hard-earned personal , professional success, however, still haunted memories of troubled years.

early life

captain lochley had far idyllic background. father had secretly been talented painter, felt under strong family compulsion join earthforce. dislike of military service, coupled deep disappointment @ being unable pursue career artist, led him become embittered alcoholic. severe alcoholism led elizabeth s mother abandon husband , daughter, , father s inability manage life left elizabeth responsibility. elizabeth sought escape burden , father s alcoholism living carefree friend zoe. both slipped life of drink , drugs, , financial situation deteriorated point living in cheap, cockroach-infested apartment. tragically, zoe overdosed on drugs , choked death on own vomit; body discovered elizabeth. zoe s death/suicide profoundly shocked elizabeth , vowed change life. joined earthforce , never consumed alcoholic beverages or other drugs moment began military career. in 2262, when discovered due recent personal traumas michael garibaldi had suffered relapse alcoholism, told him of own previous battles, of how alcohol had given her, father , garibaldi illusionary escape personal troubles, , not alone. secretly contacted former lover lise hampton-edgars , convinced come babylon 5; lochley hoped garibaldi come see confiding in , receiving loved far better , more practical solution woes alcohol-induced escapism.

assignment babylon 5

at end of babylon 5 s fourth season, captain sheridan relieved of command. in 2262, shortly after earth alliance civil war, requests earth assign lochley replacement. although chose not join sheridan s rebellion against corrupt government headed morgan clark, still trusted judgment , ability.

the show later reveals sheridan , lochley had been married briefly after graduating earthforce academy. while marriage didn t work out, still have mutual respect , appreciation. proved strong , capable leader, finding solutions many crises , coping ones had no solutions.

during brakiri day of dead, in dead return 1 night, brakiri on station purchase part of night includes lochley s quarters. subsequently visited zoe, confirms had in fact deliberately committed suicide overdosing on drugs. prior this, nobody knew sure if zoe s death accidental overdose or deliberate suicide.

the character last-minute substitution susan ivanova. lochley held position of commander of babylon 5 longer 2 predecessors, commander jeffrey sinclair (who served approximately 2 years) , captain john sheridan (who served 3 years). series crusade set approximately 5 years after events of fifth season of babylon 5 , show still captain, meaning serves @ least 6 years. in addition, states in babylon 5: lost tales (set ten years after being assigned babylon 5) has requested remain in position whole time.

as noted above, lochley semi-regular character in crusade, has romantic relationship matthew gideon, captain of excalibur.

the lost tales

for next chapter in babylon 5 story, lochley still in command of station holds rank of earthforce colonel. unknown whether , gideon still intimate.

during communication president sheridan, lochley says of dr stephen franklin oh, thought d heard. doctor franklin went g kar, exploring beyond rim. filmed in last quarter of 2006, actor richard biggs (franklin) having died in 2004 , actor andreas katsulas (g kar) having died in january 2006, several months previous principal photography on lost tales. actor tracy scoggins, portrays lochley, admitted on dvd commentary having difficulty delivering line, @ 1 point breaking down in tears. line subtle eulogy both actors.


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