Unusual situation Promotion (chess)

an unusual situation occurred in 1993 game between anatoly karpov , garry kasparov. karpov in serious time trouble, 1 minute make 16 moves. in position, kasparov captured rook on d1 pawn on c2, , said queen! , indicating promoted piece queen. however, no queen available. took time arbiter come black queen. kasparov said if had been attentive, have promoted rook, available. kasparov s clock running while arbiter getting queen, started karpov s clock. karpov played 25.qxe4 , kasparov told him in check. karpov replied what? might bishop on d1. clocks stopped. arbiter found black queen, game backed position after 24...cxd1=q+, , karpov given 2 minutes on clock because of kasparov s illegal move (since starting opponent s clock signified completion of move, not possible without piece promote to). kasparov disputes made illegal move. kasparov won game, (kasparov 2010:332).


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