Art Hendrik van de Sande Bakhuyzen

shepherd , shepherdess cattle in mountain landscape h. van de sande bakhuyzen

he known romantic pastoral scenes (especially paintings of livestock) detailed landscapes, notably inspired golden age artist paulus potter , continuing realist tradition of era. emphasized drawing essential truthful painting, quoting motto le dessin est probite de l art (drawing integrity of art) after french painter ingres. required students learn sketch natural scenes in great detail before permitting them hold brush. emphasis on work en plein air presaged landscape work of hague school artists. has been described honest landscape painter scenes entirely free mannerism , artificiality . works emphasized animals on landscape, driven in part commercial success. son julius later relayed story of 1 of hendrik s paintings of landscape near oosterbeek featured father ordinary brown horse caught fancy of customer s neighbors in philadelphia hendrik received @ least ten orders similar pictures particular horse, if horse somehow special.

most of van de sande bakhuyzen s work summer landscapes, painted small number of winter scenes, of quintessentially dutch scenes including windmills, ice skaters, , cottages built in traditional dutch architectural style. in vein work closely resembled of andreas schelfhout (1787–1870), close friend famous winter landscapes , whom v.d.s. bakhuyzen collaborated, including @ least 1 joint canvas bears both artists signatures.

his work displayed in rijksmuseum, british national trust, teylers museum in haarlem, museum fodor, museum of fine arts bern, , royal museums of fine arts of belgium, among others.


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