Africa Foreign relations of China

1 africa

1.1 diplomacy
1.2 economic relations
1.3 military relations
1.4 culture
1.5 criticism


with china s growing influence around world, beijing has set efforts on africa. china s focus in africa not recent occurrence. in 1960s , 1970s, beijing s interest centered on building ideological solidarity. following cold war, chinese interests evolved more pragmatic pursuits such trade, investment, , energy. sino-african trade quadrupled between 2000 , 2006. china africa s third largest commercial partner after , france, , second largest exporter africa after france. notably ahead of former colonial power britain in both categories. western nations hesitance become closely involved countries believe poor in human rights field, such sudan, have allowed china opportunity economic cooperation.

the establishment of modern sino-african relations dates late 1950s when china signed first official bilateral trade agreement algeria, egypt, guinea, somalia, morocco , sudan. zhou enlai made ten-country tour africa between december 1963 , january 1964. relations @ time reflective of chinese foreign policy in general: china began cultivate ties , offer[...] economic, technical , military support african countries , liberation movements in effort encourage wars of national liberation , revolution part of international united front against both superpower .


members of focac

early modern bilateral relations affected cold war , ideology of communism. china had close ties anti-apartheid , liberation movement, african national congress (anc), in south africa, china s relations soviet union worsened , anc moved closer soviet union, china shifted away anc towards pan-africanist congress. china adopted several principles, among them supporting independence of african countries while investing in infrastructure projects. somali democratic republic established relations soviet union throughout cold war era. when somalia sought create greater somalia, declared war on ethiopia, aid of soviet union, somalia took ogaden in 3 months, soviet union shifted support somalia ethiopia, , ethiopia retook ogaden region. angered siad barre, , expelled soviets advisors , citizens somalia, somalia maintained relations china, segrated traditional russian communism. during cold war, few smaller nations entered in alliances china, such burundi under michel micombero.

the political status of taiwan has been key political issue people s republic of china (prc). in 1971, support of african nations crucial in prc joining united nations (un), taking on seat of roc on taiwan. however, while many african countries such algeria, egypt , zambia have stressed support prc s one-china policy, swaziland , burkina faso maintaining relations taipei. quest of permanent un security council seat africa, nigeria, populous african country, relies on chinese support while egypt looks u.s. backing.

since 1997, around 40 african heads of state have visited china. ministerial meeting, forum on china–africa cooperation (focac), held in beijing in october 2000 first collective dialogue between china , african nations.

economic relations

in 1980, total sino-african trade volume us$1 billion. 1999, had reached us$6.5 billion. 2005, total sino-african trade had reached us$39.7 billion before jumped us$55 billion in 2006, making china second largest trading partner of africa after united states, had trade worth us$91 billion african nations. china passed traditional african economic partner , former colonial power france, had trade worth us$47 billion. in 2010, trade between africa , china worth us$114 billion , in 2011, us$166.3 billion. in first 10 months of 2012 us$163.9 billion.

there estimated 800 chinese corporations doing business in africa, of private companies investing in infrastructure, energy , banking sectors. unconditional , low-rate credit lines (rates @ 1.5% on 15 years 20 years) have taken place of more restricted , conditional western loans. since 2000, more us$10 thousand million in debt owed african nations china has been canceled. though africa has gained commodity exports china, chinese exports africa chinese business practices isn t helping much, says mohamed gueye. problem, problem?

military relations

military cooperation goes cold war period when china keen african liberation movements. apart traditional allies such somalia , uganda, china had military ties non-aligned countries such egypt. military equipment worth $142 million sold african countries between 1955 , 1977. 2 decades after collapse of soviet union, military relations based on business interests rather ideology.

there no chinese military presence in africa other used in peacekeeping. in 2004, china deployed around 1,500 soldiers under un umbrella, dispatched between liberia , democratic republic of congo. china present via military attachés; of 2007, has 14 attachés in 14 different african countries while there 18 african countries maintain attachés in beijing. apart peacemaking, china provides military training , equipment few countries, though not require military forces deployed.


foreign students @ huazhong agricultural university, wuhan

africa host of 3 chinese cultural centres. first overseas chinese centre opened in mauritius in 1988. 2 other followed in egypt , benin. confucius institute, focuses on promotion of chinese language , culture, has 20 centers distributed around 13 african countries.

historically, little known african immigration china, although there no doubt , consensus human species africa. due recent developments in relations, many have been relocating better opportunities. places dubbed little africa , chocolate city increasingly receiving new immigrants, nigerians. of african immigrants concentrated in area of guangzhou estimated number of 20,000. estimated there around 10,000 illegal african immigrants in china , police crackdowns have intensified since 2009.

in contrast, modern chinese immigration african continent better documented. in 1724, few chinese convicts brought labourers south africa dutch east indies (modern-day indonesia) dutch empire. in 19th century, wave of immigrants came south africa workers brought british work in agriculture, infrastructure building , mining. in recent years, there has been increasing presence of chinese in africa. estimates vary source though xinhua, china s official news agency, states there no less 750,000 chinese nationals working or living in africa. number of chinese illegal immigrants remains unknown.

due low prices of chinese-made weaponry , military equipment, increasing number of african countries shifted source of supply traditional providers such russia china. however, selling of arms states accused western countries of war crimes, such sudan, have prompted criticism in west (see criticism section below).


the zimbabwean example relevant. relations between china , robert mugabe s regime in zimbabwe have been focus of criticism few western countries. china accused of supplying zimbabwe jet fighters, vehicles , other military equipment. china declared in 2007 dropping kinds of assistance , limiting assistance humanitarian aid. in july 2008, chinese diplomacy asked mugabe behave though critics see way china protect own interests in country should regime change.

chinese role in africa has sparked criticism, western countries accuse of neocolonialism . response such criticism, china issued 9 principles encourage , standardise enterprises overseas investment, charter , guide of conduct chinese companies operating abroad. other criticism include flooding of african markets low-cost chinese-made products, harming growth , survival of local industries , businesses.


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