History Tutsi

1 history

1.1 independence of rwanda , burundi (1962)
1.2 burundi genocide (1993)
1.3 rwanda genocide (1994)


the traditional tutsi king s palace in nyanza.

prior arrival of colonists, rwanda had been ruled tutsi-dominated monarchy after mid-1600. beginning in 1880, roman catholic missionaries arrived in great lakes region. later, when german forces occupied area during world war i, conflict , efforts catholic conversion became more pronounced. tutsi resisted conversion, missionaries found success among hutu. in effort reward conversion, colonial government confiscated traditionally tutsi land , reassigned hutu tribes.

the area ruled colony germany (prior world war i) , belgium. because tutsi had been traditional governing elite, both colonial powers kept system , allowed tutsi educated , participate in colonial government. such discriminatory policies engendered resentment.

when belgians took over, believed better governed if continued identify different populations. in 1920s, required people identify particular ethnic group , classified them accordingly in censuses.

in 1959, belgium reversed stance , allowed majority hutu assume control of government through universal elections after independence. partly reflected internal belgian domestic politics, in discrimination against hutu majority came regarded similar oppression within belgium stemming flemish-walloon conflict, , democratization , empowerment of hutu seen response tutsi domination. belgian policies wavered , flip-flopped considerably during period leading independence of burundi , rwanda.

independence of rwanda , burundi (1962)

the hutu majority in rwanda had revolted against tutsi , able take power. tutsis fled , created exile communities outside rwanda in uganda , tanzania. since burundi s independence, more extremist tutsi came power , oppressed hutus, educated. actions led deaths of 200,000 hutus. overt discrimination colonial period continued different rwandan , burundian governments, including identity cards distinguished tutsi , hutu.

burundi genocide (1993)

in 1993, burundi s first democratically elected president, melchior ndadaye, hutu, assassinated tutsi officers, person entitled succeed him under constitution. sparked genocide in burundi between hutu political structures , tutsi military, in possibly many 25,000 tutsi murdered former , @ least many killed latter. since 2000 arusha peace process, today in burundi tutsi minority shares power in more or less equitable manner hutu majority. traditionally, tutsi had held more economic power , controlled military.

rwanda genocide (1994)

flag of tutsi-led rwandan patriotic front.

a similar pattern of events took place in rwanda, there hutu came power in 1962. in turn oppressed tutsi, fled country. after anti-tutsi violence around 1959-1961, tutsis fled in large numbers.

these exile tutsi communities gave rise tutsi rebel movements. exiled tutsis attacked rwanda in 1990 intention of liberating rwanda. fighting culminated in hutu mass killings of tutsi in rwandan genocide of 1994, in hutu in power killed estimated 500,000–1,000,000 people, largely of tutsi origin.

at same time in 1994, rwandan patriotic front (rpf), made of diasporic tutsi in uganda, advanced rwanda. had experience in organized irregular warfare ugandan bush war, , got support government of uganda. initial rpf advance halted lift of french arms rwandan government. attempts @ peace culminated in arusha accords. agreement broke down after assassination of rwandan , burundian presidents. victorious in aftermath of genocide, rpf came power in july 1994.


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