The Weimar years (1918–35) Hans Baluschek

baluschek s cover illustration, 1919

for baluschek artist, following years dominated illustrations of fairytales, , contributed little peter s journey moon (peterchens mondfahrt) in 1919 still considered classics of children s literature. baluschek illustrated other children s books, among them calendar tells (was der kalender erzählt), fairytale-land (in s märchenland) , little people, little animals, , little things (von menschlein, tierlein, dinglein), appearing in 1919, 1922 , 1924 respectively. illustrated 1925 edition of grimm s fairytales. meanwhile, produced posters , promotional materials theater , cinema, along drawings of costumes producers, , imaginative scenes of berlin life famed lutter & wegner wine bar.

like many other artists, balluschek found himself in crisis after war, seized opportunities, , decided become active in cultural education. supported production of film mother krause s journey happiness (1919), depicted cruelty of poverty , lauded communism saving force. in 1920, among founders of people s school of greater berlin (volkshochschule gross-berlin) , taught painting there.

baluschek among founders of league proletarian literature (bund für proletarische literatur), , in 1924 appointed literary advisory board of social democratic party s book circle. joined party in 1920 , served chairman of artists representatives schöneberg district. became advisor social democratic mayor gustav böss, , played leading role in foundation of welfare bureau berlin artists, of time chairman.

journey moon, 1919

baluschek s cover illustration 1 hundred years of german railroads

baluschek illustrated number of periodicals, including social democratic illustrated national banner (illustrierte reichsbannerzeitung), , school books , novels; fascination rail transport shows in illustrations period. belonged left wing of social democrats, , comfortable activities of communists, sizeable political force in weimar germany. painting future (zukunft) appeared title page of communist journal hammer , sickle in 1920. baluschek among 10 german left-leaning artists contributed 1924 international antiwar conference in amsterdam. in 1929–31 director of greater berlin art exhibition.

baluschek s grave


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