Construction Schleswig Cathedral

gothic inside of schleswig cathedral

in 1134, construction of new romanesque basilica began. work completed around 1200, because additional nave constructed can still seen today. construction materials included granite, tuff rhine, , brick.

in 1134, danish king niels headless body laid out in st. peter s cathedral after pulled schlei in nets of local fishermen. monks attended corpse heard strange noises , thought spirit of king niels wandering in church. result, king s body taken gottorp , stuffed boggy grave. hammered stake through niels chest keep him there. legend has king niels still haunts cathedral, , still hunts across moors , forest of schleswig hounds. king frederick of denmark entombed in cathedral.

after collapse of 2 towers , parts of basilica in 1275, high gothic hall choir constructed , completed around 1300.

the late gothic hall church built 1200 1408 , completed in 16th century. in 1894 cathedral got final outward appearance. in 1879 schleswig became provincial capital in 1879, , in 1888 construction of gothic revival western tower began @ request of king william ii of prussia. completed in 1894 , @ 112 metres, little high compared proportions of cathedral. there viewing platform on tower @ 65 metres commands great view on city of schleswig, schlei , fishing village of holm. of 2006, 1 can view bells above platform special guided tour starting in cathedral.

beside gothic altar of magi (c. 1300) in southern choir, bronze baptismal font in high choir ghert klinghe (1480) , four-metre-high wood carving of christophorus, cathedral s main attraction famous bordesholm altar.


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