Functions Wenlin Software for learning Chinese

1 functions

1.1 dictionary function
1.2 list function
1.3 corpus , text function

dictionary function

the dictionary contains electronic version of abc chinese–english dictionary john defrancis , shuowen jiezi seal character dictionary. current version (4.3.2) contains more 300,000 chinese-english entries , on 60,000 english-chinese entries.. allows users search chinese characters or words inputting either chinese characters or pinyin using variety of input options, including handwriting recognition. users can update existing entries add new definitions dictionary. program can extended additional data modules, such abc etymological dictionary of old chinese.

unlike electronic chinese dictionaries, characters in wenlin defined in terms of character description language (cdl), xml specification describing complex glyphs in east asian language, developed wenlin institute. allows program define characters , character variants not defined in existing character sets such unicode. version 4.3.2 of wenlin covers more 80,000 chinese characters, including many rare characters.

list function

the software allows user display lists of chinese characters ordered pinyin, stroke count, frequency, components, or unicode. displays lists of words pinyin, frequency, , serial number. english words can displayed alphabetically, 214 radicals of chinese language.

corpus , text function

the paid version of software comes small corpus of largely classical chinese texts. software allows users open text files in variety of chinese character encodings.


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