Mormonism Religion and sexuality

the lds churh not allow sexual expression lesbian , gay individuals.

within many branches of mormonism principle denomination lds church teaches conservative views around sexual ethics in law of chastity holds masturbation, pre- , extra-marital sex, , same-sex sexual activity sins. in 1800s, however, allowed men married , have children several women, , women married several men @ same time.

on various occasions lds church leaders have taught members should not masturbate part of obedience lds law of chastity. lds church believes sex outside of opposite-sex marriage sinful , same-sex sexual activity serious sin. god believed in heterosexual marriage heavenly mother , mormons believe opposite-sex marriage god wants children. top lds church leaders used teach attractions of same sex sin or disease changed or fixed, have no stance on etiology of homosexuality, , teach therapy focused on changing sexual orientation unethical. lesbian, gay, , bisexual members are, thus, left option of attempting change sexual orientation, entering mixed-orientation opposite-sex marriage, or living celibate lifestyle without sexual expression (including masturbation).

the lds church teaches women s principle role raise children. women rejected role being domestic women in home, seen unstable , corrupted. before 1890 mormon leaders taught polygamy way salvation , many had multiple wives 1900s, , women practiced polyandry.

the mormon religion teaches marriage should man , woman. lds church teaches members obey law of chastity says sexual relations proper between man , woman legally , lawfully wedded husband , wife . violations of code include adultery, being without natural affection, lustfulness, infidelity, incontinence, filthy communications, impurity, inordinate affection, fornication . traditional mormon religion forbids homosexual behavior, whether intra-marriage or extramarital. in romans 1:24-32, paul preached romans homosexual behavior sinful. in leviticus 20:13, moses included in law homosexual actions , behaviors against god s will. in 1830s, lds founder joseph smith instituted private practice on polygamy. practice defended church matter of religious freedom. in 1890, church practice terminated. since termination of polygamy, mormons have solely believed in marriage between 2 people, , 2 people being man , woman. lds community states still love homosexuals sons , daughters of lord, if act upon inclinations subject discipline of church.


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