Fandom Game of Thrones

in manipulated image published white house, u.s. president barack obama (a fan of series) sits on iron throne in oval office king s crown on lap.

a song of ice , fire , game of thrones have broad, active international fan base. in 2012 ranked series fans devoted in popular culture, more lady gaga s, justin bieber s, harry potter s or star wars . fans include political leaders such former u.s. president barack obama, former british prime minister david cameron, former australian prime minister julia gillard , dutch foreign minister frans timmermans, framed european politics in quotes martin s novels in 2013 speech.

bbc news said in 2013 passion , extreme devotion of fans had created phenomenon unlike related other popular tv series, manifesting in fan fiction, game of thrones-themed burlesque routines , parents naming children after series characters; writers quoted attributed success rich detail, moral ambiguity, sexual explicitness , epic scale of series , novels. previous year, arya fastest-rising girl s name in u.s. after jumped in popularity 711th 413th place.

in 2013 58 percent of series viewers male , 42 percent female, , average male viewer 41 years old. according sbs broadcasting group marketing director helen kellie, game of thrones has high fan-engagement rate; 5.5 percent of series 2.9 million facebook fans talked online series in 2012, compared 1.8 percent of more ten million fans of true blood (hbo s other fantasy series). cited , (news , discussion forums), (which organizes communal readings of novels) , fan sites dedicated tv , novel series; , podcasts cover game of thrones.


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