Formation of the National Fascist Party Benito Mussolini

by time returned service in allied forces of world war i, little remained of mussolini socialist. indeed, convinced socialism doctrine had largely been failure. in 1917 mussolini got start in politics of £100 weekly wage (the equivalent of £6000 of 2009) british security service mi5, keep anti-war protestors @ home , publish pro-war propaganda. authorized sir samuel hoare. in 1918 mussolini called emergence of man ruthless , energetic enough make clean sweep revive italian nation. later mussolini said felt 1919 socialism doctrine dead; continued exist grudge . on 23 march 1919 mussolini re-formed milan fascio fasci italiani di combattimento (italian combat squad), consisting of 200 members.

the platform of fasci italiani di combattimento, published in il popolo d italia on 6 june 1919

italia irredenta: regions considered italian ethnic, geographic and/or historical reasons, , claimed fascists in 1930s: green: nice, ticino, , dalmatia; red: malta; violet: later claims extended corsica, savoy , corfu.

the ideological basis fascism came number of sources. mussolini utilized works of plato, georges sorel, nietzsche, , economic ideas of vilfredo pareto, develop fascism. mussolini admired plato s republic, read inspiration. republic expounded number of ideas fascism promoted, such rule elite promoting state ultimate end, opposition democracy, protecting class system , promoting class collaboration, rejection of egalitarianism, promoting militarization of nation creating class of warriors, demanding citizens perform civic duties in interest of state, , utilizing state intervention in education promote development of warriors , future rulers of state. republic differed fascism in did not promote aggressive war, defensive war. unlike fascism, promoted communist-like views on property. plato idealist, focused on achieving justice , morality, while mussolini , fascism realist, focused on achieving political goals.

the idea behind mussolini s foreign policy of spazio vitale (vital space), concept in fascism analogous lebensraum in german national socialism. concept of spazio vitale first announced in 1919, when entire mediterranean, so-called julian march, redefined make appear unified region had belonged italy times of ancient roman province of italia, , claimed italy s exclusive sphere of influence. right colonize neighboring slovene ethnic areas , mediterranean, being inhabited alleged less developed peoples, justified on grounds italy allegedly suffering overpopulation.

borrowing idea first developed enrico corradini before 1914 of natural conflict between plutocratic nations britain , proletarian nations italy, mussolini claimed italy s principal problem plutocratic countries britain blocking italy achieving necessary spazio vitale let italian economy grow. mussolini equated nation s potential economic growth territorial size, in view problem of poverty in italy solved winning necessary spazio vitale.

though biological racism less prominent in fascism in national socialism, right start spazio vitale concept had strong racist undercurrent. mussolini asserted there natural law stronger peoples subject , dominate inferior peoples such barbaric slavic peoples of yugoslavia. stated in september 1920 speech:

when dealing such race slavic — inferior , barbarian — must not pursue carrot, stick policy ... should not afraid of new victims ... italian border should run across brenner pass, monte nevoso , dinaric alps ... can sacrifice 500,000 barbaric slavs 50,000 italians ...

while italy occupied former austro-hungarian areas between years 1918 , 1920, 5 hundred slav societies (for example sokol) , smaller number of libraries ( reading rooms ) had been forbidden, later law on associations (1925), law on public demonstrations (1926) , law on public order (1926) – closure of classical lyceum in pazin, of high school in voloska (1918), , 5 hundred slovene , croatian primary schools followed. 1 thousand slav teachers forcibly exiled sardinia , southern italy.

in same way, mussolini argued italy right follow imperialist policy in africa because saw black people inferior whites. mussolini claimed world divided hierarchy of races (stirpe, though justified more on cultural on biological grounds), , history nothing more darwinian struggle power , territory between various racial masses . mussolini saw high birthrates in africa , asia threat white race , asked rhetorical question blacks , yellows @ door? followed yes, are! . mussolini believed united states doomed american blacks had higher birthrate whites, making inevitable blacks take on united states drag down level. fact italy suffering overpopulation seen proving cultural , spiritual vitality of italians, justified in seeking colonize lands mussolini argued – on historical basis – belonged italy anyway, heir roman empire. in mussolini s thinking, demography destiny; nations rising populations nations destined conquer; , nations falling populations decaying powers deserved die. hence, importance of natalism mussolini, since increasing birth rate italy ensure future great power win spazio vitale assured. mussolini s reckoning, italian population had reach 60 million enable italy fight major war—hence relentless demands italian women have more children in order reach number.

mussolini , fascists managed simultaneously revolutionary , traditionalist; because vastly different else in political climate of time, described third way . fascisti, led 1 of mussolini s close confidants, dino grandi, formed armed squads of war veterans called blackshirts (or squadristi) goal of restoring order streets of italy strong hand. blackshirts clashed communists, socialists, , anarchists @ parades , demonstrations; of these factions involved in clashes against each other. italian government interfered blackshirts actions, owing in part looming threat , widespread fear of communist revolution. fascisti grew rapidly; within 2 years transformed national fascist party @ congress in rome. in 1921, mussolini won election chamber of deputies first time. in meantime, 1911 until 1938, mussolini had various affairs jewish author , academic margherita sarfatti, called jewish mother of fascism @ time.


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