Anarcho-capitalist theory Liberalism

gustave de molinari (1819–1912)

julius faucher (1820–1878)

classical liberalism primary influence longest history on anarcho-capitalist theory. various theorists have espoused legal philosophies similar anarcho-capitalism. 1 of first liberals discuss possibility of privatizing protection of individual liberty , property france s jakob mauvillon in 18th century. later, in 1840s, julius faucher , gustave de molinari advocated same. molinari, in essay production of security, argued, no government should have right prevent government going competition it, or require consumers of security come exclusively commodity. molinari , new type of anti-state liberal grounded reasoning on liberal ideals , classical economics. historian , libertarian ralph raico argues these liberal philosophers had come form of individualist anarchism, or, called today, anarcho-capitalism or market anarchism. unlike liberalism of locke, saw state evolving society, anti-state liberals saw fundamental conflict between voluntary interactions of people – society – , institutions of force – state. society versus state idea expressed in various ways: natural society vs. artificial society, liberty vs. authority, society of contract vs. society of authority, , industrial society vs. militant society, name few. anti-state liberal tradition in europe , united states continued after molinari in writings of herbert spencer, in thinkers such paul Émile de puydt , auberon herbert. however, first person use term anarcho-capitalism murray rothbard, in mid-20th century synthesized elements austrian school of economics, classical liberalism , 19th-century american individualist anarchists lysander spooner , benjamin tucker (while rejecting labor theory of value , norms derived it). anarcho-capitalism advocates elimination of state in favor of individual sovereignty, private property , free markets. anarcho-capitalists believe that, in absence of statute (law decree or legislation), society improve through discipline of free market (or proponents describe voluntary society ).

in anarcho-capitalist society, law enforcement, courts, , other security services operated privately funded competitors rather centrally through taxation. money, along other goods , services, privately , competitively provided in open market. therefore, personal , economic activities under anarcho-capitalism regulated victim-based dispute resolution organizations under tort , contract law, rather statute through centrally determined punishment under political monopolies. rothbardian anarcho-capitalist society operate under mutually agreed-upon libertarian legal code accepted, , courts pledge follow . pact recognize self-ownership , non-aggression principle (nap), although methods of enforcement vary.


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