First Lady of the United States (1933–1945) Eleanor Roosevelt

1 first lady of united states (1933–1945)

1.1 american youth congress , national youth administration
1.2 arthurdale
1.3 civil rights activism
1.4 norvelt
1.5 use of media
1.6 world war ii

first lady of united states (1933–1945)

roosevelt making appeal red cross, may 22, 1940

eleanor became first lady of united states when fdr inaugurated on march 4, 1933. having known of twentieth century s previous first ladies, depressed @ having assume role, had traditionally been restricted domesticity , hostessing. immediate predecessor, lou henry hoover, had ended feminist activism on becoming first lady, stating intention backdrop bertie. eleanor s distress @ these precedents severe enough hickok subtitled biography of roosevelt reluctant first lady .

with support howe , hickok, roosevelt set out redefine position. according biographer cook, became controversial first lady in united states history in process. despite criticism of them both, husband s strong support continued active business , speaking agenda had begun before assuming role of first lady in era when few married women had careers. first presidential spouse hold regular press conferences , in 1940 became first speak @ national party convention. wrote daily , syndicated newspaper column, day , first presidential spouse. first first lady write monthly magazine column , host weekly radio show.

in first year of fdr s administration, eleanor determined match husband s presidential salary, , earned $75,000 lectures , writing, of gave charity. 1941, receiving lecture fees of $1,000.

roosevelt maintained heavy travel schedule in twelve years in white house, making personal appearances @ labor meetings assure depression-era workers white house mindful of plight. in 1 famous cartoon of time new yorker magazine (june 3, 1933), satirizing visit had made mine, astonished coal miner, peering down dark tunnel, says co-worker, gosh sakes, here comes mrs. roosevelt!

roosevelt (center), king george vi , queen elizabeth in london, october 23, 1942

in 1933, bonus army , protest group of world war veterans, marched on washington second time in 2 years, calling veteran bonus certificates awarded early. previous year, president herbert hoover had ordered them dispersed, , army cavalry charged , bombarded veterans tear gas. time, first lady eleanor roosevelt visited veterans @ muddy campsite, listening concerns , singing army songs them. meeting defused tension between veterans , administration, , 1 of marchers later commented, hoover sent army. roosevelt sent wife.

also in 1933 after became first lady, rose discovered , named after eleanor, name mrs. franklin d. roosevelt (rosa x hybrida “mrs. franklin d. roosevelt”). hybrid tea rose. however, though true, there no evidence support story eleanor later quipped, once had rose named after me , flattered. not pleased read description in catalogue: no in bed, fine against wall .

in 1937 began writing autobiography, volumes of compiled autobiography of eleanor roosevelt in 1961 (harper & brothers, isbn 0-306-80476-x).

american youth congress , national youth administration

the american youth congress formed in 1935 advocate youth rights in u.s. politics, , responsible introducing american youth bill of rights u.s. congress. roosevelt s relationship ayc led formation of national youth administration, new deal agency in united states, founded in 1935, focused on providing work , education americans between ages of 16 , 25. nya headed aubrey willis williams, prominent liberal alabama close roosevelt , harry hopkins. speaking of nya in 1930s, roosevelt expressed concern ageism, stating live in real terror when think may losing generation. have got bring these young people active life of community , make them feel necessary. in 1939 dies committee subpoenaed leaders of ayc, who, in addition serving ayc, members of young communist league. roosevelt in attendance @ hearings , afterward invited subpoenaed witnesses board @ white house during stay in washington d.c. joseph p. lash 1 of boarders. on february 10, 1940, members of ayc, guests of roosevelt in capacity first lady, attended picnic on white house lawn addressed franklin south portico. president admonished them condemn not merely nazi regime dictatorships. president reportedly booed group. afterwards, many of same youth picketed white house representatives of american peace mobilization. among them joseph cadden, 1 of roosevelt s overnight boarders. later in 1940, despite roosevelt s publication of reasons why still believe in youth congress, american youth congress disbanded. nya shut down in 1943.


roosevelt s chief project during husband s first 2 terms establishment of planned community in arthurdale, west virginia. on august 18, 1933, @ hickok s urging, roosevelt visited families of homeless miners in morgantown, west virginia, had been blacklisted following union activities. affected visit, roosevelt proposed resettlement community miners @ arthurdale, make living subsistence farming, handicrafts, , local manufacturing plant. hoped project become model new kind of community in u.s., in workers better cared for. husband enthusiastically supported project.

after initial, disastrous experiment prefab houses, construction began again in 1934 roosevelt s specifications, time every modern convenience , including indoor plumbing , central steam heat. families occupied first fifty homes in june, , agreed repay government in thirty years time. though roosevelt had hoped racially mixed community, miners insisted on limiting membership white christians. after losing community vote, roosevelt recommended creation of other communities excluded black , jewish miners. experience motivated roosevelt become more outspoken on issue of racial discrimination.

roosevelt remained vigorous fundraiser community several years, spending of own income on project. however, project criticized both political left , right. conservatives condemned socialist , communist plot , while democratic members of congress opposed government competition private enterprise. secretary of interior harold ickes opposed project, citing high per-family cost. arthurdale continued sink government spending priority federal government until 1941, when u.s. sold off last of holdings in community @ loss.

later commentators described arthurdale experiment failure. roosevelt herself sharply discouraged 1940 visit in felt town had become excessively dependent on outside assistance. however, residents considered town utopia compared previous circumstances, , many returned economic self-sufficiency. roosevelt considered project success, later speaking of improvements saw in people s lives there , stating, don t know whether think worth half million dollars. do.

civil rights activism

roosevelt flying tuskegee airman charles chief anderson in march 1941

during franklin s administration, eleanor became important connection african-american population in era of segregation. despite president s desire placate southern sentiment, eleanor vocal in support of civil rights movement. after experience arthurdale , inspections of new deal programs in southern states, concluded new deal programs discriminating against african-americans, received disproportionately small share of relief moneys. eleanor became 1 of voices in roosevelt white house insisting benefits equally extended americans of races.

eleanor broke tradition inviting hundreds of african-american guests white house. when black singer marian anderson denied use of washington s constitution hall daughters of american revolution in 1939, eleanor resigned group in protest , helped arrange concert on steps of lincoln memorial. roosevelt later presented anderson king , queen of united kingdom after anderson performed @ white house dinner. roosevelt arranged appointment of african-american educator mary mcleod bethune, whom had struck friendship, director of division of negro affairs of national youth administration. avoid problems staff when bethune visit white house, eleanor meet @ gate, embrace her, , walk in arm-in-arm.

she involved being eyes , ears of new deal. looked future , committed social reform. 1 of programs helped working women receive better wages. new deal placed women less machine work , more white collar work. women did not have work in factories making war supplies because men coming home take on long days , nights women had been working contribute war efforts. roosevelt brought unprecedented activism , ability role of first lady.

roosevelt , mary mcleod bethune, member of franklin d. roosevelt s black cabinet, 1943

in contrast usual support of african-american rights, sundown town eleanor, in west virginia, named , established in 1934 when , franklin visited county , developed test site families. sundown town , other franklin roosevelt towns around nation (such greenbelt, greenhills, greendale, hanford, or norris), whites only. established new deal project.

eleanor lobbied behind scenes 1934 costigan-wagner bill make lynching federal crime, including arranging meeting between franklin , naacp president walter francis white. fearing lose votes of southern congressional delegations legislative agenda, however, franklin refused publicly support bill, proved unable pass senate. in 1942, eleanor worked activist pauli murray persuade franklin appeal on behalf of sharecropper odell waller, convicted of killing white farmer during fight; though franklin sent letter virginia governor colgate darden urging him commute sentence life imprisonment, waller executed scheduled.

roosevelt s support of african-american rights made unpopular figure among whites in south. rumors spread of eleanor clubs formed servants oppose employers , eleanor tuesdays on african-american men knock down white women on street, though no evidence has ever been found of either practice. when race riots broke out in detroit in june 1943, critics in both north , south wrote roosevelt blame. @ same time, grew popular among african-americans, reliable republican voting bloc, became consistent base of support democratic party.

following japanese attack on pearl harbor on december 7, 1941, roosevelt spoke out against japanese-american prejudice, warning against great hysteria against minority groups. privately opposed husband s executive order 9066, required japanese-americans in many areas of u.s. enter internment camps. criticized defense of japanese-american citizens, including in call los angeles times forced retire public life on stand on issue.


on may 21, 1937, roosevelt visited westmoreland homesteads mark arrival of community’s final homesteader. accompanying on trip wife of henry morgenthau, jr., president s secretary of treasury. no believer in paternalism. not charities, had said earlier. cooperative communities such westmoreland homesteads, went on, offered alternative our rather settled ideas provide equality of opportunity , prevent recurrence of similar disaster [depression] in future. residents taken personal expression of interest in program promptly agreed rename community in honor. (the new town name, norvelt, combination of last syllables in names: eleanor roosevelt.) norvelt firefighter s hall named roosevelt hall in honor of her.

use of media

eleanor roosevelt, george t. bye (her literary agent, upper right), deems taylor (upper left), westbrook pegler (lower left), quaker lake, pawling, new york (home of lowell thomas), 1938

roosevelt unprecedentedly outspoken first lady made far more use of media predecessors; held 348 press conferences on span of husband s 12-year presidency. inspired relationship hickok, roosevelt placed ban on male reporters attending press conferences, forcing newspapers keep female reporters on staff in order cover them. relaxed rule once, on return 1943 pacific trip. because gridiron club banned women annual gridiron dinner journalists, roosevelt hosted competing event female reporters @ white house, called gridiron widows . interviewed many newspapers; new orleans journalist iris kelso described mrs. roosevelt interesting interviewee ever. in days of all-female press conferences, said not address politics, legislation, or executive decision, , since role of first lady expected non-political @ time. agreed @ first avoid discussing views on pending congressional measures. still, press conferences provided welcome opportunity women reporters speak directly mrs. roosevelt, access had been unavailable in previous administrations.

roosevelt shirley temple in 1938

just before franklin assumed presidency in february 1933, eleanor published editorial in women s daily news conflicted sharply intended public spending policies published rejoinder in following issue. on entering white house, signed contract magazine woman s home companion provide monthly column, in answered mail sent readers; feature canceled in 1936 presidential election approached. continued articles in other venues, publishing more sixty articles in national magazines during tenure first lady. eleanor began syndicated newspaper column, titled day , appeared 6 days week 1936 death in 1962. in column, wrote daily activities humanitarian concerns. hickok , george t. bye, eleanor s literary agent, encouraged write column.

beasley has argued roosevelt s publications, dealt women s issues , invited reader responses, represented conscious attempt use journalism overcome social isolation women making public communication two-way channel .

with lucille ball during tour of washington d.c. hotels presenting fundraisers president s birthday ball fight infantile paralysis (1944)

mrs. roosevelt made extensive use of radio. not first first lady broadcast—her predecessor, lou henry hoover, had done already. mrs. hoover did not have regular radio program, whereas mrs. roosevelt did. first broadcast own programs of radio commentary beginning on july 9, 1934. on first show, talked effect of movies on children, need censor make sure movies did not glorify crime , violence, , opinion recent all-star baseball game. read commercial mattress company, sponsored broadcast. said not accept salary being on air, , donate amount ($3,000) charity. later year, in november 1934, broadcast series of programs children s education; heard on cbs radio network. sponsored typewriter company, mrs. roosevelt once again donated money, giving american friends service committee, school operated. during 1934, eleanor roosevelt set record times first lady had spoken on radio: spoke guest on other people s programs, host of own, total of 28 times year. in 1935, mrs. roosevelt continued host programs aimed @ female audience, including 1 called s woman s world. each time, donated money earned charity. association of sponsor popular first lady resulted in increases in sales company: when selby shoe company sponsored series of eleanor roosevelt s programs, sales increased 200%. fact programs sponsored created controversy, husband s political enemies expressing skepticism whether did donate salary charity; accused of profiteering. radio programs proved popular listeners criticisms had little effect. continued broadcast throughout 1930s, on cbs , on nbc.

world war ii

gen. millard harmon, eleanor roosevelt , admiral halsey in south pacific theater, 1943

on may 10, 1940, germany invaded belgium, luxembourg, , netherlands, marking end of relatively conflict-free phoney war phase of world war ii. u.s. began move toward war footing, roosevelt found herself again depressed, fearing role in fighting domestic justice become extraneous in nation focused on foreign affairs. briefly considered traveling europe work red cross, dissuaded presidential advisers pointed out consequences should president s wife captured prisoner of war. found other wartime causes work on, however, beginning popular movement allow immigration of european refugee children. lobbied husband allow greater immigration of groups persecuted nazis, including jews, fears of fifth columnists caused franklin restrict immigration rather expanding it. eleanor secured political refugee status eighty-three jewish refugees s.s. quanza in august 1940, refused on many other occasions. son james later wrote deepest regret @ end of life had not forced franklin accept more refugees nazism during war.

roosevelt visiting troops

eleanor active on home front. beginning in 1941, co-chaired office of civilian defense (ocd) new york city mayor fiorello h. laguardia, working give civilian volunteers expanded roles in war preparations. found herself in power struggle laguardia, preferred focus on narrower aspects of defense, while saw solutions broader social problems equally important war effort. though laguardia resigned ocd in december 1941, eleanor forced resign following anger in house of representatives on high salaries several ocd appointments, including 2 of close friends.

also in 1941, short film women in defense, written roosevelt, released. produced office of emergency management , briefly outlines way in women prepare country possibility of war. there segment on types of costumes women wear while engaged in war work. @ end of film, narrator explains women vital securing healthy american home life , raising children has been first line of defense .

in october 1942, roosevelt toured england, visiting american troops , inspecting british forces. visits drew enormous crowds , received unanimously favorable press in both england , america. in august 1943, visited american troops in south pacific on morale-building tour, of admiral william halsey, jr. later said, alone accomplished more other person, or groups of civilians, had passed through area. part, roosevelt left shaken , depressed seeing war s carnage. number of congressional republicans criticized using scarce wartime resources trip, prompting franklin suggest take break traveling.

eleanor roosevelt entertains soldiers tells story, september 1943

roosevelt supported increased roles women , african-americans in war effort, , began advocate women given factory jobs year before became widespread practice. in 1942, urged women of social backgrounds learn trades, saying: if of debutante age go factory–any factory learn skill , useful. roosevelt learned of high rate of absenteeism among working mothers, , campaigned government-sponsored day care. notably supported tuskegee airmen in successful effort become first black combat pilots, visiting tuskegee air corps advanced flying school in alabama. flew african-american chief civilian instructor c. alfred chief anderson. anderson had been flying since 1929 , responsible training thousands of rookie pilots; took on half-hour flight in piper j-3 cub. after landing, cheerfully announced, well, can fly right. subsequent brouhaha on first lady s flight had such impact mistakenly cited start of civilian pilot training program @ tuskegee, though program 5 months old. eleanor roosevelt did use position trustee of julius rosenwald fund arrange loan of $175,000 finance building of moton field.

after war, eleanor strong proponent of morgenthau plan de-industrialize germany in postwar period. in 1947 attended national conference on german problem in new york, had helped organize. issued statement plans resurrect economic , political power of germany dangerous international security.


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