Sculptural works Lorenzetto

madonna del sasso, above tomb of raphael, pantheon, rome

according vasari, young sculptor lorenzetto completed tomb of cardinal niccolò forteguerri, begun andrea verrocchio in 1477, in san jacopo @ pistoia. in rome, made many works of which, according vasari, there no need make further record.

at urging of raphael, lorenzetto received commission agostino chigi create tomb in santa maria del popolo, agostino had built chapel (chigi chapel). according vasari, lorenzetto worked hard on project, both impress chigi , reflect on raphael. assistance of young sculptor raffaello da montelupo, , using designs raphael (according vasari), lorenzetto created statue of elijah, living grace of god in desert, , nude jonah delivered belly of whale symbol of resurrection dead. lorenzetto assigned raphael execute bronze reliefs agostino s tomb. relief of christ , women of samaria moved base of altar bernini during later work on chapel.

according vasari, simultaneous death of chigi , raphael (both within 4 days of other in 1520) heralded decline in lorenzetto s fortunes. chigi s heirs left lorenzetto s statues chigi chapel sit in lorenzetto s workshop many years , lorenzetto robbed reasons of hope, found present had thrown away time , labor.

lorenzetto did, however, find work creating statue raphael s tomb in pantheon, assisted raffaello da montelupo. called madonna del sasso (madonna of rock), named because mary rests 1 foot on boulder.

in 1524, lorenzetto completed tomb of poet bernardino cappella in santo stefano rotondo (again raffaello da montelupo).

by time worked on tombs of medici popes (clement vii , leo x) in santa maria sopra minerva (c. 1536) apparently contented himself subordinate role, primary statuary having been entrusted baccio bandinelli.


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