The dictatorship of Tiburcio Carías Andean History of Honduras (1900–1954)

1 dictatorship of tiburcio carías andean

1.1 election of carías
1.2 repression
1.3 last period of carías

the dictatorship of tiburcio carías andean
election of carías

the president carías, loaned him special interest armed forces of honduras

tiburcio carías andean

in spite of increasing unrest , grave economic tensions, elections of 1932 relatively peaceful , just. in february 1932, national party of honduras (pnh) nominated carías presidential candidate; there elect venancio alleys vice-presidency when declining appointed abraham williams . liberals part appointed Ángel zúñiga huete (es) candidate. carias won elections margin of 20,000 votes. general assumed power on 16 november 1932, in become longest period of single government, in history of honduras.

initially thought government of carías, of predecessors, not survive long. shortly before inauguration, liberal dissidents rose in rebellion. carías took control of government forces, obtained arms in el salvador , in short order crushed uprising.

during first part of administration, carías focused on avoiding financial collapse, improving armed forces , building roads. @ same time seated bases prolong stay in power.

the honduras economy continued depressed through decade of 1930s. in addition drastic fall in banana exports caused depression, banana industry saw loomed in 1935, epidemics black sigatoka. in year, extensive areas including in zone of trujillo, abandoned, , thousands of hondurans remained without work. 1937 had controlled plague lot of zones affected remained out of production. because of this, honduras lost big part of international market.

carías had made effort improve armed forces, before became president. once in power, motivation continue work increased. loaned him special attention decadent forces area founded military school of aviation (1934) having american colonel commander.

with passage of time, carías moved without pause, strengthen in power. won support of banana companies through opposition strikes , other labour riots. strengthened position in national financial circles , foreigners through conservative economic politics. rise of depression, continued making regular payments on external debt, adhering strictly terms of agreement forks of british bonds. likewise, satisfied other creditors. 2 small loans paid in 1935.


political controls initiated under government of carías. communist party of honduras (pch) declared illegal. liberal party of honduras (plh) still active. even, leaders of small lifting in 1935 offered them free aerial transport in case wished return honduras.

to finals of 1935, doing upsetting in need of internal order , peace, carías began repress press , political activities in against.

the relations between anastasio somoza garcía , carías taut, because of border disputes

on other hand, pnh began publishing campaign doing upsetting in continuity of carías continued peace , order in country. constitution of 1924 1 of 1894 forbade reelection. carías presented plan of reelection in front of delegation of united states in tegucigalpa. americans concluded if similar governments had been established in guatemala, saviour , nicaragua, did not see why carías not extend mandate. in way united states threw embroiders treaty of 1923 .

the general carías summoned national constituent assembly modify constitution. assembly chosen dedazo incorporated 30 articles of constitution of 1924 in new constitution. main changes elimination of prohibition on immediate reelection of president , vice-president , extension of presidential term 4 6 years. other changes included restoration of death penalty of death, reduction of powers of term of office, , negation of citizenship , right vote of women.

the opposition liberal party (plh) , other sectors reacted these changes, treating overthrow carías. numerous efforts did in 1936 , 1937, without success. finals of decade of 1930, national party political organisation recognised in nation. numerous leaders opposition leaders imprisoned, , chained , forced work in streets of tegucigalpa. others, including leader of plh, zúñiga huete, had exiled .

during presidency, carías cultivated narrow relation fellow dictators of central america, generals: jorge situate of guatemala, maximiliano hernández martínez of saviour, , anastasio somoza garcía of nicaragua. narrower relation dictator situate, helped carías reorganise secret police, , captured , shot leader of uprising in honduras had committed error of crossing guatemalan territory. relations nicaragua tenser in consequence of border dispute. carías , somoza succeeded in keeping under control dispute along years 1930 , 1940.

last period of carías

when winning second period of 6 years, ratified article of constitution prorrogó presidential period said 6 years , presidency in general headlines carías , williams until 31 december 1948.

in 1944 bonds of carías these dictators turned not wanted, once popular uprisings deposed situate of guatemala , salvadorian martínez hernández. during time, seemed if revolutionary contagion extended honduras.

a plot of civilians , military purpose overthrow carías discovered, crushed government in 1943. in may 1944, group of women began protest out of presidential palace of tegucigalpa, demand release of political prisoners. in spite of strong measures taken government, tension grew , carías saw forced free prisoners. gesture did not satisfy opposition, , demonstrations against government followed extending.

in july several demonstrators murdered governmental troops in san pedro sula. in october, group of exiled invaded honduras saviour, did not succeed in efforts overthrowing government. soldiers remained loyal, , carías continued in charge.


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