Ethno-linguistic groups Demographics of Eritrea

1 ethno-linguistic groups

1.1 afro-asiatic communities

1.1.1 semitic speakers tigrinya tigre rashaida

1.1.2 cushitic speakers afar saho bilen beja

1.2 nilo-saharan communities

1.2.1 kunama
1.2.2 nara

1.3 other communities

1.3.1 italians

ethno-linguistic groups

ethno-demography of eritrea

eritrea s population comprises 9 recognized ethnic groups, of whom speak languages ethiopian semitic branch of afro-asiatic family. ethiopian semitic languages spoken in eritrea tigre, tigrinya, , newly recognized dahlik. other afro-asiatic languages belonging cushitic branch spoken in country. latter include afar, beja, blin, , saho.

in addition, languages belonging nilo-saharan language family (kunama , nara) spoken mother tongue kunama , nara nilotic ethnic minorities live in north , northwestern part of country. rashaida speak arabic, while there number of italians speak native italian language.

afro-asiatic communities
semitic speakers

a tigrinya traditional dance.

the majority of tigrinya inhabit highlands of eritrea; however, migration other parts of country has occurred. language called tigrinya. largest ethnic group in country, constituting 55% of population. speakers of tigrinya in eritrea officially referred biher-tigrinya (or simply, tigrinya). predominantly biher-tigrinya populated urban centers in eritrea capital asmara, mendefera, dekemhare, adi keyh, adi quala , senafe, while there significant population of biher-tigrinya in other cities including keren, , massawa.

the jeberti people in eritrea trace descent muslim adherents. term jeberti locally used generically refer islamic inhabitants of highlands. jeberti in eritrea speak arabic , tigrinya. account 10% of tigrinya speakers in nation. remaining 90% christians, divided: 73% of eritrean orthodox faith, 12% roman catholic , eastern catholic (whose mass held in ge ez opposed latin), , 5% belonging various protestant , other christian denominations, majority of belong (lutheran) evangelical church of eritrea.


the tigre reside in western lowlands in eritrea. many migrated sudan @ time of ethiopian-eritrean conflict , lived there since. nomadic , pastoralist people, related bihér-tigrinya , beja people. predominantly muslim nomadic people inhabit northern, western, , coastal lowlands of eritrea, constitute 30% of local residents. inhabit areas in eastern sudan. 95% of tigre people adhere islamic religion sunni islam, there small amount of christians among them (often referred mensaï in eritrea). language called tigre.


the rashaida 1 of eritrea s 9 recognized ethnic groups. represent around 2% of population of eritrea. rashaida reside in northern coastal lowlands of eritrea , northern eastern coasts of sudan. predominantly muslim , ethnic group in eritrea have arabic communal language, hejazi dialect. rashaida first came eritrea in 19th century arabian coast.

cushitic speakers

according cia, afar constitute under 5% of nation s population. live in debubawi keyih bahri region of eritrea, afar region in ethiopia, , djibouti. speak afar language mother tongue, , predominantly muslim. afars in eritrea number 397,000 individuals, smallest population out of countries reside in. in djibouti, there 780,000 group members, , in ethiopia, number approximately 1,300,000.


saho women in traditional attire.

the saho represent 4% of eritrea s population. principally reside in debubawi keyih bahri region , northern red sea region of eritrea. live in adjacent parts of ethiopia. language called saho. predominantly muslim, although few christians known irob live in debub region of eritrea , tigray region of ethiopia.


the bilen in eritrea represent around 2% of country s population. concentrated in north-central areas, in , around city of keren, , south towards asmara, nation s capital. many of them entered eritrea kush (central of sudan) in 8th century , settled @ merara went lalibla , lasta returned auxum , battled natives, aftermath returned main base @ merara bilen include adherents of both islam , christianity. speak bilen mother tongue. christian adherents urban , have intermingled tigrinya live in area. muslim adherents rural , have interbred adjacent tigre.


the beja in eritrea, or hedareb, constitute under 5% of local residents. live along north-western border sudan. group members predominantly muslim , communicate in hedareb first or second language. beja include beni-amer people, have retained native beja language alongside hedareb.

nilo-saharan communities

according cia, kunama constitute around 2% of eritrea s population. live in country s gash barka region, in adjacent parts of ethiopia s tigray region. many of them reside in contested border village of badme. language called kunama. although kunama still practice traditional beliefs, converts either christianity (roman catholic , protestant) or islam.


the nara represent under 5% of nation s population. principally reside along south-western border sudan , ethiopia. muslim, few christians , practising indigenous beliefs. language called nara.

other communities

a few monolingual italian eritreans remain. of 2008, estimated @ 900 people, down around 38,000 residents @ end of world war ii.


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