The Cathedral in detail Schleswig Cathedral

1 cathedral in detail

1.1 petri portal
1.2 sacristy
1.3 high choir
1.4 schwahl
1.5 brüggemann-altar
1.6 cenotaph of frederick i
1.7 blue madonna
1.8 central tower
1.9 burials

the cathedral in detail
the petri portal

the petri portal ca. 1180

access cathedral granted through romanesque petri portal, dating 1180.

a variety of materials used portal s construction: granite, red sandstone skåne, limestone gotland , tuff rhineland.

on tympanum, christ depicted amongst evangelists , saints. presumably, 1 holding key disciple peter, , other 1 given scroll christian mission, st. paul.

beside portal, there weathered sculpture of lion; 1 can found on outer wall of sacristy.

the sacristy

the sacristy, build around 1480, first served, indeed, sacristy , conference room of cathedral chapter (german: domkapitel; entity similar parochial church councils tasked cathedral s day-to-day religious work) , since 1567 classroom cathedral s school. after reformation, converted fürstengruft (tomb princes) tomb dukes of holstein-gottorp.

the high choir

bishop berthold arranged expansion of high choir @ end of 13th century. also, frescos added, depicting annunciation, coronation of mary, st. catherine, st. philippus, st. peter, deesis , angels. choir banks manufactured unknown artist working under pseudonym magister rusticus @ beginning of 16th century.

the schwahl

the three-winged cloisters @ northern end of nave, constructed 1310 1320, called schwahl. name has root in danish-low german dialect , means cold alley . used processions left , re-entered church on way. here, restored frescos church s foundation can found. show life of christ selection of legendary creatures. during advent, small art market takes place in cloisters.

the brüggemann-altar

the altar, carved hans brüggemann 1514 1521 cathedral s main attraction

detail centre of brüggemann-alter: jesus carrying cross

the oak wood altar, carved hans brüggemann 1514 1521, 12.60 meters high , depicts biblical history christ s arrest ascension (modelled after albrecht dürer s little passion ). in central piece, jesus carrying cross , descent hell emphasized through larger carvings. ascension , pentecost depicted on altar wings. next central piece, adam , eve can seen. above everything, jesus christ hovers pantocrator.

originally, altar manufactured augustinian chorherrenkirche (i.e. collegiate church) in bordesholm. after priory s dissolution, duke christian albrecht of holstein-gottorp arranged altar s transfer schleswig cathedral in 1666. young emil nolde helped altar s restoration in flensburg @ end of 19th century.

cenotaph of frederick i

in northern choir nave, elegant renaissance cenotaph frederick i, king of denmark , norway , duke of schleswig , holstein, can found. tombstone, created choir in 1552 , put there, moved current position in 1901. called 1 of masterpieces of dutch renaissance art in northern europe (marianne mehling). creator flemish sculptor cornelis floris de vriendt. instead of usual 7 virtues, (empty) sarcophagus stands on six.

the blue madonna

jürgen ovens (1623-1678) painted blue madonna called holy family johannes, in 1669. situated on pillar in northern side nave. influence of anthony van dyck visible on baroque painting.

jürgen ovens, born 1623 in tönning, pupil of rembrandt s , court painter of dukes of holstein-gottorp. blue madonna famous painting. self-portrait 1691 can found in laurentius church in tönning. other works of ovens can seen in state museum of schleswig-holstein in castle gottorf.

central tower

the central tower constructed friedrich adler between 1888 , 1894 brick. @ 112 meters, second-largest church spire in schleswig-holstein, after marienkirche in lübeck. tower had fallen disrepair in 1950s , restored 1953 1956.


valdemar iv, duke of schleswig (?-1314)
eric ii, duke of schleswig (1290-1325)
frederick of denmark
conrad von reventlow
gustav trolle


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