Synopsis Walking on Air (Kerli song)

in music video, kerli lies on bed of stones. filming of scene took around thirty minutes , kerli said stones, fetish shoes , latex duct tape , large skirt uncomfortable , made feel torture.

next, kerli in bedroom lying on bed of stones when starts cry (although tears come moonstones under eyes) , tears float , transform butterflies. scene shown kerli bird in cage , bird sitting upside down on perch. returning bedroom scene, man has returned , appears on opposite side of mirror pounds on , instructs join him. next, ball-jointed doll before full-sized woman , controlling strings of kerli marionette. after kerli marionette sings bridge, placed in box puppeteer ball-jointed doll cuts strings , bricks in windows briefly shown collapsing.

in final scene, kerli wakes discover cut string attached arm. proceeds stare @ camera pans out reveal kerli in gift box before , full-sized, ball-jointed doll holding rocking on rocking chair.


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