Appointment as Prime Minister Benito Mussolini

mussolini during 1920s

as prime minister, first years of mussolini s rule characterized right-wing coalition government composed of fascists, nationalists, liberals, , 2 catholic clerics popular party. fascists made small minority in original governments. mussolini s domestic goal eventual establishment of totalitarian state himself supreme leader (il duce), message articulated fascist newspaper il popolo, edited mussolini s brother, arnaldo. end, mussolini obtained legislature dictatorial powers 1 year (legal under italian constitution of time). favored complete restoration of state authority, integration of fasci di combattimento armed forces (the foundation in january 1923 of milizia volontaria per la sicurezza nazionale) , progressive identification of party state. in political , social economy, passed legislation favored wealthy industrial , agrarian classes (privatizations, liberalizations of rent laws , dismantlement of unions).

in 1923, mussolini sent italian forces invade corfu during corfu incident. in end, league of nations proved powerless, , greece forced comply italian demands. writing of mussolini s foreign policy, american historian gerhard weinberg said:

if new regime benito mussolini installed in 1922 on ruins of old glorified war sign of vitality , repudiated pacifism form of decay, lesson drawn terrible battles against austria on isonzo river—in italians fought far better popular imagination allows—was tremendous material , technical preparations needed modern war beyond contemporary capacity of country. correct perception, but, given ideology of fascism emphasis on moral benefits of war, did not lead conclusion italy without big stick had best speak very, softly. on contrary, new regime drew opposite conclusion. noisy eloquence , rabid journalism might substituted serious preparations war, procedure harmless enough if no 1 took of seriously, road disaster once outside , mussolini inside country came believe 8 million bayonets of duce s imagination existed.


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