Western Australia List of Australian television callsigns

1 western australia

1.1 perth
1.2 regional

1.2.1 south west , great southern
1.2.2 kalgoorlie
1.2.3 geraldton

1.3 remote , regional western australia
1.4 remote western zone

western australia

abw – australian broadcasting corporation western australia
tvw – television western australia
stw – swan television western australia
new – new western australia (also spell word new)
ctw – community television western australia

south west , great southern

abaw – australian broadcasting corporation albany western australia
abcw – australian broadcasting corporation central agricultural area western australia
absw – australian broadcasting corporation south west western australia
ssw – south west , great southern western australia
sdw – ssw digital western australia


abkw – australian broadcasting corporation kalgoorlie western australia
abew – australian broadcasting corporation esperance western australia
abnw – australian broadcasting corporation norseman western australia
absbw – australian broadcasting corporation southern cross/bullfinch western australia
vew – view western australia
vdw – vew digital western australia


abgw – australian broadcasting corporation geraldton western australia
abcmw – australian broadcasting corporation morawa western australia
gtw – geraldton telecasters western australia
gdw – gtw digital western australia

remote , regional western australia

wow - win of western australia

remote western zone

abcnw – australian broadcasting corporation carnarvon western australia
abdw – australian broadcasting corporation dampier western australia
abkaw – australian broadcasting corporation karratha western australia
abmw – australian broadcasting corporation moora western australia
abphw – australian broadcasting corporation port hedland western australia
abrbw – australian broadcasting corporation roebourne western australia
waw – western australia western australia
wdw – waw digital western australia


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