Cultivation Genisteae

cytisus scoparius, common broom. 1. two-lipped calyx. 2. broadly ovate vexillum or standard. 3. 1 of alae or wings of corolla. 4. carina or keel. 5. monadelphous stamens. 6. hairy ovary long style, thickened upwards, , spirally curved. 7. legume or pod.

brooms tolerate (and thrive best in) poor soils , growing conditions. in cultivation need little care, though need drainage , perform poorly on wet soils.

they used ornamental landscape plants , wasteland reclamation (e.g. mine tailings) , sand dune stabilising.

tagasaste (chamaecytisus proliferus), canary islands native, grown sheep fodder.

species of broom popular in horticulture purple broom (chamaecytisus purpureus; purple flowers), atlas broom (or moroccan broom) (argyrocytisus battandieri, silvery foliage), dwarf broom (cytisus procumbens), provence broom (cytisus purgans) , spanish broom (spartium junceum).

many of popular brooms in gardens hybrids, notably kew broom (cytisus ×kewensis, hybrid between c. ardoinii , c. multiflorus) , warminster broom (cytisus ×praecox, hybrid between c. purgans , c. multiflorus).

invasive species

on east , west coasts of north america, common broom (cytisus scoparius) introduced ornamental plant (i.e.:california since 1860s). known in of pacific northwest scotch broom. has become naturalised invasive weed, , due aggressive seed dispersal broom removal has proved difficult. similarly, major problem species in cooler , wetter areas of southern australia , new zealand. biological control broom in new zealand has been investigated since mid-1980s. on west coast of united states, french broom (genista monspessulana), mediterranean broom (genista linifolia) , spanish broom (spartium junceum) considered noxious invasives, broom crowds out native vegetation, , grow prolifically in least accessible areas.

brooms in spring @ fondachelli-fantina, sicily


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