Plot Randall's Thumb

1 plot

1.1 act i: gardens of beachington hotel @ seaside resort
1.2 act ii: clump rocks
1.3 act iii: same act i

act i: gardens of beachington hotel @ seaside resort

young buckthorpe attacked stranger, while walking along edge of banton cliffe, struck him sword-cane; buckthorpe lost consciousness. friend randall encouraged him flee country on presumed murder of attacker, did, randall, forger , confidence trickster, holding threat of going police on buckthorpe s head.

randall had married elderly woman money, had flee country avoid being arrested on felony charge shortly thereafter. woman kept embarrassing marriage secret, , gave money niece when died, randall claims that, made before marriage, invalid, , money should go him. however, avoid scrutiny might reveal felony, wants buckthorpe flirt said niece , find out aunt, allow randall conduct plausible story marriage.

randall , buckthorpe s conversation interrupted arrival of dr. trotway , niece edith temple. edith , buckthorpe knew each other when buckthorpe serving in india, father forbade marry him. after romance begins rekindle, randall steps in , reveals edith heiress buckthorpe flirt with. buckthorpe tries out, randall threatens go authorities, , randall arranges helpless buckthorpe join hotel s guests @ seaside picnic, allow buckthorpe continue pressing edith information.

act ii: clump rocks

edward righton in london debut joe bangles in randall s thumb

on rocky coast, miss spinn, elderly spinster, directs servants set picnic , flirts joe bangles, bachelor of same age. bangles jokes around her, and, others begin arrive, discovers himself having proposed her. randall disliked group, gets miss spinn have pity on him, , decides flirt him make bangles jealous. however, tide coming in shortly, , group begins head in. bangles stays behind bit talk dr. trotway buckthorpe, finds bit suspicious seems meeting edith, supposedly chance.

in private interview afterwards, randall discovers buckthorpe has failed gain information randall s wife. threatens buckthorpe prospect of immediate revelation of supposed crime should not find out immediately. randall hides behind rock, edith returns, , buckthorpe begins interview her. finds himself unable continue, , reveals randall s true nature her, @ point randall leaves in disgust. buckthorpe tells of blackmail scheme, , offers him in way can. in romantic scene, pledge each other. randall furious , confronts buckthorpe. scheme ruined, , shortly have flee town. threatens go police. buckthorpe tells him , rejects randall, vowing out under randall s thumb, or face consequences, no longer assist randall in schemes. randall warns him had best take care, gives him until next day change mind , him wants, , leaves. buckthorpe terrified, determines remain firm.

bangles, miss spinn, , edith join buckthorpe, sea comes in, trapping them on rocks. edith , buckthorpe quite happy cling each other, bangles not pleased trapped on small rock miss spinn. unfortunately, confused, rambling attempt ward off romantic advances goes follows:

randall arrives in boat, forced rescue bangles , miss spinn first, re on lower rock covered sea. edith , buckthorpe happy, , reject randall s help, choosing stay together, isolated world.

act iii: same act i

bangles bit melancholy: old family friend of edith s, and, had ever married, edith have been chose. buckthorpe has won edith s hand, however, , miss spinn after his. however, accepts situation best can. buckthorpe takes bangles confidence randall s schemes , tells him randall s blackmail material against him. bangles rather horrified @ thought edith might marrying murderer, buckthorpe s protestations of innocence convince him give buckthorpe chance. bangles tackle randall , attempt discover truth of matter evidence randall holds, should go against buckthorpe, shall turn him on authorities.

bangles confronts randall, pointing out knowing buckthorpe murderer, not turning him on authorities, makes him accomplice after fact. randall tries out of turning on evidence, fear of being arrested himself. bangles threatens call entire hotel aid, should randall try leave, , forces randall write letter police, warning them notorious criminal warrant arrest staying @ hotel. bangles believes force evidence of buckthorpe s guilt out open if randall has such proof. randall attempts flee, waiter stops him leaving: randall attempted pay cheque, , manager believes cheque bounce. buckthorpe in position of power: gets randall give him letters in exchange money pay manager, tackles randall, delaying him until police arrive.

dr. trotway , bangles return , assist buckthorpe in subduing randall. randall calls out letters, buckthorpe, resolving live honestly, hands them on trotway. enough let bangles realise truth: 1 had attacked buckthorpe, mistaking him robber, , randall lied buckthorpe him dying, coroner s report, , other details has been holding on buckthorpe s head. police arrive , arrest randall, attempts have 1 last act of revenge, revealing marriage edith s aunt. however, miss spinn turns out have been there marriage, , woman married not edith s aunt, accomplice of his.

the play ends happily: miss spinn has protected people bangles cares about, , explanation of how knew shows him new side her, reconciles him marriage. buckthorpe proven innocent , can marry edith, keeps fortune.

in version performed on london opening night, buckthorpe revealed long-lost son of couple in play; revelation, unnecessary main plot, cut play after performance along other dialogue.


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