Services and features Noormags

1 services , features

1.1 changes in version 1.5
1.2 changes in version 2

1.2.1 a.automation smart detection of related articles based on users’ visits smart detection of titles similar of current article among huge mass of articles noormags exclusive search engine

1.2.2 b. providing publication owners various services
1.2.3 c. research-orientation
1.2.4 d. system integrity

services , features

graphical , visual features of website have undergone lot of changes , improvements during course of activity. in addition, lot of unique services , technical capabilities have been offered users versions 1.5 , 2.

changes in version 1.5

• search , information retrieval: important change in version occurred in search section. searching in titles of journals, articles of specific journal , articles of specific author, searching in texts of articles, increased search filters , standard search simultaneously in articles , journals new changes introduced in version. • extracting , providing citation files of articles: in version, users provided citation files of articles in 3 standard formats ris, endnote , bibtex. • providing brief statistics of articles specific author: statistical categorization of articles authors made available users. • display of journals based on scientific rank , language: feature helps researchers learn journals , scientific ranks , therefore make more accurate selection of required sources , materials. • using front cover image journal icons: front cover image displayed journal icons in publication info page, article view page , lists.

changes in version 2
smart detection of related articles based on users’ visits

from advent of website, many users have viewed , received these articles. follow particular topic in website adopt various ways search it. website can track articles user views in 1 research task. if number of times 2 articles viewed @ same time considerably large, can concluded related each other. capability uses method let user know other articles may in way related current one.

smart detection of titles similar of current article among huge mass of articles

this smart tool discover articles having titles similar of current article, taking advantage of text-mining , artificial intelligence methods. finding related articles research concern must answered in shortest time available in order researchers organize comprehensive , non-repetitive research works. main way know relationship of articles each other check common words in titles. tool uses titles of articles identify relationship 1 another.

noormags exclusive search engine

a part of developing noor local search engine has been embedded in new noormags website. here features of search engine: • searching word forms: derivations of search word included in search results. • highlighting search results: search results displayed highlighted through texts. • find synonyms: synonyms of search word included in search results. • spell checker: checks words typed onto search input line , suggests correct spelling if mistyped. fast performance, quality of results considering persian language characteristics, logical ranking in comparison popular search engines , many other facilities accounted strength points of search engine.

b. providing publication owners various services

• assigning specific address each publication • possibility of managing publication info page owners • providing statistical information, e.g. number of visits, number of downloads etc. • possibility of uploading publication files owners

c. research-orientation

• creating list of favorite articles, journals , authors • releasing information on new issues , selected authors • giving reports on users activities including downloads, searches etc.

d. system integrity

• integrating different services provide content purposefully , intelligently

• connecting comprehensive system of noor users


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