Rift with Tyrone East Breifne

shane o neill (right) conquered east breifne in 1560

east breifne s 100 year alliance tyrone collapsed in 1530s latter s affiliation geraldine league. league alliance brought conn o’neill of tyrone anglo-irish fitzgeralds of kildare, traditional enemies of o reillys. left east breifne alienated both north , south , anxious secure relations england bulwark against historical dominance of tyrone overlords. in 1533 king fearghal mac seaain appealed directly government in england redress against tyrone, bypassing fitzgerald viceroy, raided east breifne in response circumvention of authority.

maolmordha o reilly inaugurated in 1534 replace ailing ferghal mac seaain, met opposition , had secure position , unify kingdom. inauguration coincided fitzgerald rebellion, campaign led manus o donnell restore 12-year old gerald fitzgerald title in kildare, later expanded war against henry viii s encroachments in ireland. lord deputy leonard grey demanded o’reilly join english against rebel league, refused due internal instability , insecurity of position. grey s hollow threats against kingdom strained relations.

in 1538 position secure, o’reilly joined english , gave strong support expeditions ulster against geraldine league. rebellion collapsed following heavy defeat @ lake bellahoe in monaghan , east breifne regarded 1 of dependable crown allies in ireland. maolmordha o’reilly enthusiastic supporter of surrender , regrant way of not officially securing own title, securing greater independence tyrone. arrived @ parliament in dublin in 1541 take oath of allegiance , initiate process of surrendering lands re-granted english lordship of them.

o’reilly continued serve crown s interests, arranging meeting between lord deputy anthony st ledger , manus o donnell in cavan in 1541, during latter agreed travel england , submit king. east breifne sent soldiers accompany henry viii s expedition france in 1544 , in february 1546 during rough wooing period, offered send eldest son aodh connallach command forces of english king in scotland.

tyrone again cast shadow on east breifne during shane o’neill s conquest of ulster 1559 1567. virulently anti-english o’neill took aim @ every lord co-operated them , 1560 undisputed ruler of ulster drogheda erne . restrictions placed on o’reilly kings of east breifne english rein in power proved undoing, kingdom s force of less 600 men decimated o’neill s army of on 5,000. entire english garrison whole of ireland @ time no more 2,500. east breifne burnt , pillaged o’neill, , o’reillys once again forced submit tyrone king. maolmordha died in 1565 , succeeded aodh connallach.


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