Agriculture Economy of Puerto Rico

agriculture constitutes $808 million us$ or 0.8% of island s gross domestic product (gdp). however, puerto rico imports 85% of food though of land fertile. mere 6% arable; fact poses direct threat puerto rico s food security. perplexing situation has been caused due shift in priorities towards industrialization, bureaucratization, mismanagement of terrains, lack of alternative methods, , deficient agricultural workforce. puerto rico s geographical location within caribbean exacerbates these issues, making scarce existing crops vulnerable devastating effects of atlantic hurricanes.

the following fruits industrially cultivated , consumed:

apples (manzanas), bananas (guineos), grapes (uvas), oranges (chinas), , watermelons (melones) imported, of aforementioned cultivated fruits.

grains cultivated industrially , consumed include barley (cebada), maize (maíz), rice (arroz), rye (centeno), , wheat (trigo). legumes include black beans (habichuelas negras), chickpea (garbanzo), kidney beans (habichuelas rojas), pea (pitipuá), pigeon peas (gandules), , pink beans (habichuelas rosadas). tubers include cassava (yuca), eddoe (malanga), potatoes (papas), sweet potatoes (batata), taro (yautía), , yams (ñame).

vegetables include asparagus (espárragos), cabbage (repollo), cauliflower (coliflor), carrots (zanahorias), chayote (chayote), cucumber (pepinillo), eggplant (berenjena), lettuce (lechuga), onions (cebolla), , peppers (ají).

herbs include basil (orégano), bay leaves (hojas de laurel), cilantro (cilantrillo), culantro (culantro), , parsley (perejil). spices include achiote (achiote), cinnamon (canela), cloves (clavos), garlic (ajo), ginger (jengibre), , paprika (sazón).

recent studies have suggested there lack of young farmers , 65% of island s agriculture force is

over 55 years of age. decrease in new farmers have significant negative effects on island.


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