Reception The Damned United

1 reception

1.1 critical response
1.2 box office
1.3 awards , nominations

critical response

the damned united received film critics. holds 93% fresh rating on rotten tomatoes , overall rating of universal acclaim on metacritic. roger ebert gave film 3 , half stars out of four, , praised sheen portraying modern british icons uncannily s disappeared them . peter bradshaw of guardian gave film 4 stars, calling fresh, intelligent... [and] terrifically involving , , praised sheen , meaney s performances. empire s reviewer william thomas awarded damned united 3 stars out of five. praised film capturing emotional toil of football , although added struggles find stride .

prior release, clough s widow barbara, critic of peace s book, expressed disappointment film being made @ all. clough family declined invitation preview of film, affirming opposition entire project. clough s son nigel said did not intend watch film , in football had seen had told him bore no resemblance happened. sony s decision release film 6 days after have been clough s 74th birthday criticised.

producer andy harries responded clough family s criticisms stating filmmakers goal tell wonderful , extraordinary story universal themes of success, jealousy , betrayal . harries added without adding fictional elements film not have been exciting watch. reassured clough s family film more sympathetic portrayal of clough in book. writer peter morgan claimed did not feel film s accuracy of major importance.

dave mackay sued left bank pictures on portrayal in film, angered @ implication had betrayed clough in taking derby manager s job. in march 2010, mackay won apology , undisclosed damages left bank pictures. roy mcfarland agreed mackay s decision take legal action , said enjoyed sheen s performance, otherwise did not particularly film . martin o neill, played clough @ nottingham forest, questioned portrayal of relationship between clough , peter taylor. praised performance of actors, however, particularly of sheen. bbc sport journalist pat murphy, personal friend of clough, noted 17 factual inaccuracies in film, including various errors regarding timing of events. dismissed absolute nonsense scene clough stays in derby dressing room during match against leeds, nervous watch.

box office

the film earned total of $3,604,339 in uk , republic of ireland, , in canada , us, earned $441,264; worldwide box office take $4,045,603.

awards , nominations


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