Overview Fruit tree pruning

an apple tree sprout being converted branched, fruit-bearing spur arborist. numbers show sequence of cuts, occurred during 2 years.

plants form new tissue in area called meristem, located near tips of roots , shoots, active cell division takes place. meristem growth aimed @ ensuring leaves elevated sunlight, , roots able penetrate soil. once adequate height , length achieved stems , roots, begin thicken support plant. on shoots, these growing tips of plant called apical buds. apical meristem (or tip) produces growth hormone auxin, not promotes cell division, diffuses downwards , inhibits development of lateral bud growth otherwise competes apical tip light , nutrients. removing apical tip , suppressive hormone lets lower, dormant lateral buds develop, , buds between leaf stalk , stem produce new shoots compete become lead growth.

manipulating natural response damage (known principle of apical dominance) processes such pruning (as coppicing , pollarding) allows arborist determine shape, size, , productivity of many fruiting trees , bushes. main aim when pruning fruit trees maximize fruit yield. unpruned trees tend produce large numbers of small fruits may difficult reach when harvesting hand. branches can become broken weight of crop, , cropping may become biennial (that is, bearing fruit every other year). overpruned trees on other hand tend produce light crops of large, flavourless fruit not store well. careful pruning balances shoot growth , fruit production.

one of simplest instructions given in every article or book chapter on subject no branches should cross each other, is, rub against each other, , 1 of them should selected , removed.


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