Collegio Teutonico del Campo Santo Collegio Teutonico

the collegio seen north

the collegio teutonico del campo santo established christian archeologist anton de waal in 1876 receive priests belonging german empire or german provinces of austria, remained there 2 or, @ most, 3 years pursuing studies , officiating in church of santa maria della pietà in camposanto dei teutonici near st. peter s. revenues of campo santo , chaplaincies have been founded devote study of christian archeology or church history. in 1888 roman institute of görres society (görresgesellschaft) established in campo santo teutonico; publish quarterly review, römische quartalschrift fur christliche archäologie und kirchengeschichte . site of campo santo dei tedeschi goes days of charlemagne , called schola francorum. in course of time german residents in rome buried in church of schola, called s. salvatore in turri. in 1454 confraternity established, , in addition guilds of german bakers , cobblers had quarters there. in 1876, owing altered conditions of modern times (see: kulturkampf), institute put present purpose .


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