Team EnVyUs vs. Natus Vincere ESL One Cologne 2015

the first match @ lanxess arena had best team france against best team in cis region. na vi started out quarterfinals strong seized s 3 kills start series lead 3-0 start. after envyus took fourth round, french in danger of having economy reset. flamie went aggressive banana area of map, leads b bombsite terrorist spawn, , flashbang had of envyus blind. despite damage, nbk- able take down flamie without dying envyus. nbk- went aggressive bomb , tried duel out seized, seized won duel. more heroics seized lead deaths of kioshima , apex @ identical times. zeus high explosive grenade killed crippled kennys , before happy anything, seized took him down through smoke grenade, giving na vi 3 round lead again. however, force buy envyus lead round french after catching na vi off guard. reply na vi next round gave cis team 3 round lead. envyus bought again limited money had , came 1 of memorable rounds in cs:go. thirty seconds gone clock, envyus started pushing towards bombsite. guardian took out kioshima. nbk- killed zeus traded out edward , seized took down happy. edward tried second kill, apex took him down pistol. kennys took out seized on bombsite. kennys planted bomb , took out flamie seconds after. guardian took down apex quick shot awp. guardian charged site defuse bomb while kennys had pistol out kill him. after brief struggle, kennys pulled out knife while guardian kept trying hit french player sniper rifle , struggle ended kennys knifing guardian after avoiding shots guardian fired. half later ended na vi 8-7. na vi later took 11-7 lead after winning pistol , 2 anti-economy rounds. na vi later won crucial 13th round, envyus responded 3 straight rounds. in 24th round, under minute apex went aggressive in apartments area of map, next bombsite, , killed off-guard flamie of kioshima. kennys landed quick shot onto guardian in battle of 2 best awpers @ time, traded out zeus right after. zeus landed headshot onto apex, evening out player count. kioshima able kill zeus, edward rushed out right after trade. seized subsequently planted bomb. few moments later, edward sneaked onto happy leave nbk-. nbk- found seized in corner dinked down 19 health points. nbk- took huge risk , started defusing bomb edward still alive. threw ineffective flashbang while edward through molotov onto nbk-. however, late ukrainian player , nbk- got defuse , won round. envyus continued ride momentum , completed comeback 7-13 16-13. apex lead players 26 kills , kennys had 21 kills. na vi had 23 kills each seized , zeus.

na vi had better start last map s start 4-0 lead , 8-1 lead. however, envyus readjusted , went on win 6 rounds in row make score close, na vi still 8-7 before teams switched sides. envyus won first pistol of series , went 12-8. in 21st round, envyus executed towards bombsite. apex able rush down guardian , followed onto zeus. edward able take apex down, consecutive kills nbk- , kioshima onto flamie , edward, respectively, left seized alone on b bombsite. mirage continued story of envyus allowed na vi take 2 rounds in second half before closing out game. since na vi s 7-1 lead, envyus went on 15-3 tear. happy lead players 25 kills while teammates bunched 19 or 20 kills. edward had 22 kills, team fell behind, seized had 12 kills , flamie 13. envyus moved on semifinals , natus vincere eliminated.


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