Western hemisphere Foreign relations of China

1 western hemisphere

1.1 caribbean

1.1.1 barbados

1.2 cuba

western hemisphere

president xi jinping delivered speech @ national congress of brazil, 16 july 2014

cristina fernández , xi jinping in argentina, 18 july 2014

recent years have seen beijing s growing economic , political influence in south america , caribbean. during visit brazil, argentina, chile, , cuba in november 2004, chinese president hu jintao announced us$100 billion worth of investment on next decade. instance, cuba turning chinese companies rather western ones modernize crippled transportation system @ cost of more us$1 billion, continuing trend of favoring fellow communist country has made beijing cuba s second-largest trading partner after venezuela in 2005. in addition, china expanding military-to-military contacts in region. china training increasing numbers of latin american , caribbean region military personnel, due three-year-old u.s. law surrounding international criminal court has led sharp decline in u.s.-run training programs region.


caribbean regional relations china based on trade, credits, , investments have increased since 1990s. many caribbean nations increasing ties china have been used way decrease long time over-dependence on united states.

additionally, china s policy in region utillisation of dollar diplomacy or attempts switch many nations recognizing taiwan independent nation instead recognition of 1 china policy in exchange chinese investment.

more recently, during various visits several chinese diplomats caribbean region deal signed china establish confucius institute @ mona campus of university of west indies, possible additional 1 established @ cave hill campus. these agreements part of basis of teaching mandarin chinese language courses @ regional university.

china has expanded several levels of cooperation caribbean region. china , government of republic of trinidad , tobago said have formed agreement asphalt trinidad , tobago exported china during construction boom in preparation 2008 summer olympics. in exchange, china has led several construction projects in trinidad , tobago , caribbean region via chinese owned construction companies. trinidad , tobago has mooted idea of starting direct shipments of oil , liquid natural gas direct trinidad , tobago china, fuel later s growing need resources fuel economy.

as caribbean political heads of government have had several messy run-ins bush administration in united states respect recent demands, china has been more sympathetic caribbean position globally , has stepped military training exercises in caribbean example in direct response several sanctions placed on governments in caribbean region not following wishes of bush administration.

several capital-works or infrastructural projects across caribbean region have been financed chinese government.


diplomatic relations between barbados , people s republic of china established on 30 may 1977. china began providing barbados diplomatic aide construction of sir garfield sobers gymnasium (1986), , other projects such as: construction assistance sir lloyd erskine sandiford centre (1994), , renovating bridgetown s cheapside market building (2005). in 2005, china exported us$19.19 million worth of goods, while importing $211,000 barbados.

the current chinese ambassador barbados xu hong, heads embassy in christ church, barbados. hong replaced former ambassador wei qiang in 2012. current barbadian ambassador beijing, china country s former prime minister sir lloyd erskine sandiford.

in 2004 barbados obtained approved destination status government in china. barbados , china members of united nations, caribbean development bank , group of 77.

following 2008 sichuan earthquake, barbadian prime minister visited chinese embassy sign book of condolence nation.

the wildey gymnasium in barbados built in 1992 assistance of p.r.c.

over years number of building projects have been carried out chinese government assistance these include: garfield sobers gymnasium, 2 adjustments on lloyd erskine sandiford centre, home vegetable growing experimental center, embroidery, grass weaving , feather handicraft. consideration giving according prime minister of barbados, david thompson china assist opening of new cruise ship facility in barbados.

chinese premier wen said china join hands barbados in deepening cooperation in areas of trade, tourism, architecture, , cultural exchange.

china s export volume barbados in 1999 reached us$2,035,000, while imports barbados @ us$13,000.

both nations have additionally signed bilateral agreements including double taxation agreement , reciprocal promotion , protection of investments treaty.

the chinese government remains 1 of main stakeholders in barbados-based caribbean development bank (cdb), lends various territories throughout caribbean region.


cuban–chinese relations interstate relations between china , cuba. relations based on trade, credits, , investments have increased since 1990s. china cuba’s second largest trading partner after venezuela. @ ceremonial trade gathering in havana in 2006, china’s ambassador cuba said our government has firm position develop trade co-operation between our countries. policy, orientation, has been determined. what’s left work complete our plans.

bilateral trade between china , cuba in 2005 totaled us$777 million, of us$560 million chinese exports cuba. china sending growing amount of durable goods cuba. chinese goods have become primary tools both in planned revitalisation of cuban transport infrastructure , in energy revolution of 2006 provide electricity cuban populace.

sinopec, chinese state oil company, has agreement state-owned cupet (cuba petroleum) develop oil resources. of mid-2008, sinopec had done seismic testing oil resources on island of cuba, no drilling. company has contract joint production in 1 of cuba s offshore areas of high potential yield, off coast of pinar del río, had done no off-shore drilling of mid-2008.

in november 2005, petrochina great wall drilling co., ltd. , cupet held ceremony signing of 2 drilling service contracts. great wall drilling has provided drilling rigs oil exploration on cuba s north coast.


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