Minor TV characters featuring in the movie List of Top Cat characters

1 minor tv characters featuring in movie

1.1 griswald
1.2 lazlo-lazlo
1.3 maharajah
1.4 police chief eugene prowler
1.5 mrs. ball
1.6 a.t. jazz

minor tv characters featuring in movie


griswald bulldog sporadically seen in show, antagonizing top cat , gang. vicious, gullible , dim-witted. once employed police dibble beat. voiced don messick in tv series,

in film, starts out enemy of top cat, convinced t.c. is, in fact, cat, griswald believes due gullible nature. @ end, invited stay t.c. , become 1 of gang. griswald voiced jason harris in uk version of movie, , danny trejo in release.


lazlo-lazlo (known lazlo-lozla in spanish version) janitor-turned-musician. when officer dibble bought record him, musical director of carnegie hall mistakenly thought benny playing , took in benny talent, before realizing wasn t benny, janitor. before being discovered in manner, lazlo told stick broom top cat, after asking advice. despite being famous now, lazlo still works day venue s janitor, , cleans after every show.

in film, top cat , benny see him again, when maharajah comes watch him perform.

the maharajah

the maharajah of pookajee middle eastern gentleman, known giving away rubies tips, , huge fan of lazlo-lazlo.

in movie, named pikachu instead of pookajee, helps lou strickland build police robots. claims lazlo-lazlo never misses note , bet of rubies on it. top cat instead bets him device, maharajahton 5000, can transform (mp3 player, pencil sharpener, suitcase, hair-dryer, etc.), having plan ensure lazlo misses note.

police chief eugene prowler


mrs. ball

benny ball s mom

a.t. jazz

a newcomer street attempts take control of street, thinking himself top cat , calling himself a.t.jazz abbreviation jazz.


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