Life Guy XIV de Laval

1 life

1.1 origins
1.2 companion of joan of arc
1.3 coronation of charles vii
1.4 house of brittany
1.5 duchy of brittany
1.6 marriage françoise de dinan
1.7 relationship louis xi
1.8 brocéliande
1.9 comte of laval


he son of jean de montfort (1385–1415), called guy xiii de laval, , of anne de laval (1385–1466). through mother grandson of guy xii de laval , of jeanne de laval, second wife of constable bertrand du guesclin.

jean de laval
x isabeau de tinteniac

├──> jeanne de laval
│ x bertrand du guesclin
│ x guy xii de laval
│ │
│ └──> anne de laval (1385–1466)
│ x guy xiii de laval
│ │
│ └──> guy xiv de laval
│ └──> andré de lohéac
│ └──> louis de laval

in 1420, guy xiv, fourteen years old, second person put signature petition sent king of england demand release of arthur, comte de richemont, future constable, had been prisoner since battle of agincourt. count of richemont freed in september of year.

in 1424, accompanied arthur brilliant reception had prepared queen yolande of aragon in château d angers. worked detach breton captain english , bring rapprochement between brittany , france.

companion of joan of arc


on 8 june 1429, @ selles-en-berry (selles-sur-cher), rejoined royal army reunited joan of arc , duke of alençon seek liberation of loire valley after raising of siege of orléans. has left, in letter mother, living portrait of joan of arc, of whom fervent admirer. distinguished @ jargeau, beaugency, , above patay, fought in vanguard.

coronation of charles vii

with brother andré de lohéac followed sovereign reims , assisted @ coronation of charles vii of france on 17 july 1429, replacing philip good, count of flanders (who duke of burgundy). among favours distributed king on occasion, territory of laval raised county , guy de laval made governor of lagny in 1430.

house of brittany

joanna of navarre
x john iv, duke of brittany

├──> arthur iii, duke of brittany

├──> john v, duke of brittany
│ x joan of france
│ │
│ └──> isabelle de bretagne
│ │ x guy xiv de laval
│ │
│ └──> francis i, duke of brittany
│ │
│ └──> peter ii, duke of brittany
│ │
│ └──> gilles of brittany
│ x françoise de dinan

x henry iv of england

on 1 october 1430, @ redon, guy xiv married isabelle of brittany (died 1444), daughter of john vi, duke of brittany. betrothed, in 1420, marguerite of dreux, isabelle s sister, had herself been betrothed louis iii d anjou.

duchy of brittany

in 1439, negotiated tentative anglo-french treaty @ gravelines. guy xiv assisted @ tours, on 14 january 1446, in notable combat before charles vii, between englishman jean chalons , louis du bueil, latter being killed. ancestors had founded 4 canonical-prebendaries of saint-jean-de-langeais, him provide residency privileges dispensed, result of divine service no longer assured.

marriage françoise de dinan

it known after had, financial reasons, let son guy xv s engagement françoise of dinan drop in 1440, in favour of gilles of brittany. guy xiv once again abused young age of same son, making him break off engagement her, when became widow of gilles of brittany, , engaged him @ 45 years old in february 1451 @ vitré, françoise of dinan (died 1500), baronne of châteaubriant. guy xiv had no rights on barony of châteaubriant.

the vatican archives contain 2 solicitations holy see on occasion, guy xiv , son. inquiry concerning françois-guy de laval, fils aîné de guy, comte de laval, seigneur du gavre dates 23 july 1450 , addressed bishop of nantes. begged, canonical reasons, exemption parental kinship, , ban on marriage between woman , father of whom had been engaged. mandate of dispensation marriage of guy xiv , françoise of dinan, said of thouars mother s name, , absolution bans, dated 17 december 1450 , addressed bishop of vannes.

the vatican archives mention once more mention comte of laval , françoise of dinan wife, in founding of psalette @ madeleine @ vitré, on 19 may 1453.

relationship louis xi

charles vi

├──> charles vii
│ │
│ └──> louis xi

├──> jeanne de france
│ x john vi, duke of brittany
│ │
│ └──> isabelle of brittany
│ x guy xiv de laval

king louis xi established cour des comptes @ laval in 1463. following year king authorised cousin guy xiv add first quarter of france, of evreux - , of vitré.


at beginning of 15th century, château de comper became fiefdom of laval family. in order assert better precedence on viscountcy of rohan states of brittany, guy xiv de laval, seigneur of brocéliande, pretended, via parent, descended ancient kings of armorica conan , ponthus. in 1467, tried inserted chartre des usements de brécilie , object of seigneurial rights on inhabitants of forest, mentioning jousts of ponthus, making historical fact of 14th-century fictional romance in style of arthurian legends called le roman de ponthus et la belle sidoine .

he lieutenant-général of duchy of brittany in 1472.

comte of laval

guy xiv de laval
x isabelle of brittany

├──> guy xv de laval

├──> pierre de laval

├──> jeanne de laval
│ x rené of anjou

x françoise of dinan

louis xi, in 1482, gave full powers comté of laval, separating maine. comté of laval directly responsible crown of france.

he buried @ collegial church of saint-thugal @ laval. daughter jeanne de laval (1433–1498) wife of king rené of anjou. eldest son, francis, grand master of france , comte of laval (guy xv de laval), , 1 of cadets pierre de laval archbishop of rheims.


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