Performing in the Soviet Union Maya Plisetskaya

plisetskaya performing in carmen (1974)

despite acclaim, plisetskaya not treated bolshoi management. jewish @ time of soviet anti-zionist campaigns combined other oppression of suspected dissidents. family had been purged during stalinist era , had defiant personality. result, plisetskaya not allowed tour outside country sixteen years after had become member of bolshoi.

the soviet union used artistry of such dancers plisetskaya project achievements during cold war period united states. historian christina ezrahi notes, “in quest cultural legitimacy, soviet ballet shown off foreign leaders , nations.” plisetskaya recalls foreigners taken ballet. , always, swan lake ... khrushchev high guests in loge,” including mao zedong , stalin.

ezrahi writes, “the intrinsic paranoia of soviet regime made ban plisetskaya, 1 of celebrated dancers, bolshoi ballet’s first major international tour,” considered “politically suspect” , “non-exportable.” in 1948 zhdanov doctrine took effect, , family history, , being jewish, became natural target . . . publicly humiliated , excoriated not attending political meetings. result, dancing roles continually denied , sixteen years tour within soviet bloc. became provincial artist, consigned grimy, unrewarding bus tours, exclusively local consumption”, writes homans.

in 1958 plisetskaya received title of people s artist of ussr. same year married young composer rodion shchedrin, subsequent fame shared. wanting dance internationally, rebelled , defied soviet expectations. on 1 occasion, gain attention , respect of country’s leaders, gave 1 of powerful performances of career, in swan lake, 1956 concert in moscow. homans describes extraordinary performance:

we can feel steely contempt , defiance taking hold of dancing. when curtain came down on first act, crowd exploded. kgb toughs muffled audience’s applauding hands , dragged people out of theater kicking, screaming, , scratching. end of evening government thugs had retreated, unable (or unwilling) contain public enthusiasm. plisetskaya had won.


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