History Canton of Bern

1 history

1.1 prehistory
1.2 iron age
1.3 roman era
1.4 middle ages
1.5 middle ages
1.6 old swiss confederacy

1.6.1 14th century
1.6.2 15th century
1.6.3 acquired districts

1.7 social changes in modern bern
1.8 napoleonic period
1.9 modern history


bern joined old swiss confederation in 1353. between 1803 , 1814 1 of 6 directorial cantons of napoleonic swiss confederation.

early prehistory

the earliest traces human presence in area of modern canton found in 3 caves in simmental region; schnurenloch near oberwil, ranggiloch above boltigen , chilchlihöhle above erlenbach. these caves used @ various times during last ice age. first open-air settlement in area upper paleolithic settlement @ moosbühl in moosseedorf. during warmer climate of mesolithic period, increasing forest cover restricted movement of hunters, fishers , gatherers. temporary settlements built along lake , marsh edges, remained free of trees due fluctuations in water level. important mesolithic sites in canton @ pieterlenmoos , burgäschisee lake along alpine valleys @ diemtig , simmental. during neolithic period, there number of settlements on shores of lake biel, toteisbecken (lobsigensee, moossee, burgäschisee , inkwilersee) , along rivers (aare, zihl). several of these sites part of prehistoric pile dwellings around alps, unesco world heritage site.

one of best explored neolithic sites @ twann (now twann-tüscherz). in twannbach delta there 25 cortaillod culture , horgen culture villages existed between 3800 , 2950 bc. 1 of oldest examples of bread switzerland, sourdough 3560–3530 bc, came 1 of these villages.

simple copper objects in use in 4th millennium bc, including copper pin lattrigen 3170 bc , knife blade twann. shortly before 2000 bc bronze production entered area , brought surge in development. settlements began spread pre-alpine , alpine areas. area between lake thun , niedersimmental densely settled. archeological finds include scattered items along mountain passes, fortified hilltop settlements @ spiezberg, cholis grind saanen , @ pintel wimmis, along cemeteries @ thun-allmendingen, einigen , hilterfingen. late bronze age (ca. 1000–800 bc) settlements along lake biel (mörigen, vinelz) have yielded wealth of items.

iron age

helveto-roman settlement bern-engehalbinsel

during iron age changes in climate forced hallstatt culture (800–450 bce) abandon settlements along many waterways , in valley floors , move plateaus , hills. increased trade contacts across alps, cultural influence of mediterranean region grew in area. evidence of trade include hydria discovered in grächwil. burial rituals , social classes became more developed during time. so-called princely graves became more common, many of burial mounds on 30 m (98 ft) in diameter , 4 m (13 ft) high , richly outfitted grave goods. in grave mound in bützberg first burial in mound followed several later burials. often, several grave mounds combined become necropolis, such @ grossaffoltern, ins, bannwil, langenthal , bützberg. of knowledge hallstatt culture in canton comes graves. discovered settlement around blanche church in la neuveville.

the grave goods show iron forged swords, daggers, spearheads, knives , wagon accessories. gold, collected river sand, made diadems, rings , pendants. thin bronze arm, leg , neck plates geometric designs buried, in graves @ allenlüften in mühleberg, @ ins , @ bützberg. jewelry buried included bracelets , rings made of jet , lignite coal. @ münchringen, grave pottery both shaped hand or thrown on potter s wheel, , painted multi-colored ornamentation.

the transition late iron age of la tène culture (450−1st century bce) indicated sudden change of style in metalworking , ceramic industries. numerous graves (from unknown settlements), along 2 oppida @ bern-engehalbinsel , jensberg studen, mark population centers during late iron age. gold coins (from melchnau) along silver , bronze coins first start appear during era. sword greek characters said korisios found @ port site. @ oppidum @ bern-engehalbinsel, there studios glass , ceramic production, , iron working achieved high level of skill, along craftsmen worked in wood, leather , goldsmithing. there nearby place of worship in bremgarten wood, , cemeteries @ münsingen , bern-engehalbinsel.

roman era

baths @ engehalbinsel near bern

after roman era victory @ battle of bibracte in 58 bce, helvetii forced return homes foederati of romans. under increasing roman influence, local economy , trade flourished. main settlements lay @ foot of jura mountains , on central plateau.

the existing roads expanded, aventicum-vindonissa , petinesca-augusta raurica roads. fourth alpine pass, rawil pass, added traditional three; grimsel, brünig , susten passes. in bernese jura mont raimeux , pierre pertuis passes opened.

under romans, many of old fortified places expanded , refortified. old helvetii oppidum @ engehalbinsel became roman vicus, known brenodor or brenodurum. @ foot of jens mountain, fort petinesca built guard roads on jura mountains. reinforced in late-roman era (368–369 ce) fortified bridge on thielle/zihl river between aegerten , brügg.

a number of roman villas built around canton. @ oberwichtrach both main building (pars urbana) , industrial section (pars rustica) of roman villa have been discovered. villas @ münsingen, toffen , herzogenbuchsee have richly detailed roman mosaics still partly visible.

the religious practices of local population merged roman beliefs , canton of bern home number of unique cult centers. include larger life statues of gods (including enthroned jupiter) @ petinesca, engehalbinsel, , thun-allmendingen; , number of stone inscriptions. @ beginning of 5th century ce, rome withdrew troops rhine garrisons, allowed burgundians settle on helvetii lands in 443 ce.

early middle ages

burgundian , allamanni lands between 534 , 843

east of aare, transition gallo-roman dominated population germanic population in middle ages happened relatively peacefully. 1 exception battle of wangen in 610, elsewhere slow process of cultural infiltration. 7th century, alamannic settlers had taken of locations southeast of aare , began moving aare regions of lake thun , lake brienz. areas west of aare belonged romanised burgundian kingdom, became part of merovingian frankish kingdom in 534. during carolingian era, political structure of franks had spread parts of became switzerland. in 762/778 county of aargau founded, followed in 861 county of oberaargau , in 965 county of bargen. treaty of verdun in 843 put border between central , eastern frankish empires @ aare, , divided aare region in half. population west of aare spoke romance language, while east spoke germanic language. region between rivers saane , aare became language border.

christianity spread aare valley. dioceses of lausanne, basel, sion, chur , constance established before new faith made inroads valley. aare valley bordered 3 dioceses; lausanne, constance , basel. however, first christian missionaries came valley alsace , other western areas. in 630 abbey of luxeuil established abbey of moutier-grandval along old transit route through pierre pertuis pass. 9th or 10th century, abbey had property , influence way lake biel , balsthal valley. first monastic cells of become abbey of saint-imier founded in 600. in seeland , aare valleys, wooden churches first built during merovingian period. current churches in kirchlindach, oberwil bei buren , bleibach built above ruins of these churches. 30 churches in bern , solothurn portions of aare valley created on ruins of roman villas , subsequent burial grounds in 7th century (including meikirch , oberbipp). in mett, church built on 5th-century mausoleum, built on 4th-century tomb. in 700, 6 sarcophagi buried on st. peter s island next roman temple complex. wooden monastery built on complex in 8th–9th century.

middle ages

lands held main noble families around 1200

during 10th century, aare valley came under second kingdom of burgundy. under king rudolph , son rudolph ii burgundy s influence reached across of modern switzerland. established royal courts @ bümpliz, münsingen, uetendorf, wimmis, kirchberg , utzenstorf allow them govern aare valley. later, aare valley moved toward closer ties holy roman empire during ottonian , salian dynasties.

the succession dispute following death of rudolph iii in 1032 allowed salian kings acquire kingdom of upper burgundy , aare valley. part of holy roman empire, valley involved when investiture controversy broke out in 1056. in 1077, regent of burgundy, count rudolf of rheinfelden, declared himself anti-king against king henry iv. bishops of basel , lausanne remained loyal king henry iv, , took rheinfelden lands in oberaargau , upper aare valley. after rudolf s death in 1090, lands went son, berchtold ii of zähringen. , son, berchtold iii, tried use these lands expand power. in 1127 zähringer appointed rector or delegate of king in burgundy. hopes new, independent burgundy dashed in 1156, , last zähringen count, berchtold v, embarked on program of city founding. cities of burgdorf, murten, thun , bern founded berchtold v. when died without heir, zähringen lands went house of kyburg, while offices , fiefs reverted empire.

during high middle ages both aare valley , bernese oberland divided number of small counties, each own baron. nobles holy roman empire began marry local noble families , number of zähringen ministerialis families (unfree knights in service of feudal overlord) moved oberland. nobles began found monasteries spread power oberland. during period between 1070 , 1150, @ least ten large monasteries founded local nobles. these include; cluniac priory of rüeggisberg (lords of rümligen in 1072), münchenwiler (wiler family in 1080), st. peter s island (count of hochburgund-mâcon in late 11th century), hettiswil (1107), röthenbach im emmental (lords of rümligen or signau), benedictine monastery @ st. johannsen in erlach (fenis family in 1100), trub (lords of lützelflüh before 1130) , rüegsau (possibly lords of lützelflüh in first half of 12th century), augustinian collegiate church in interlaken (oberhofen family in 1130) , cistercian frienisberg abbey (count saugern around 1130). however, in 1191 oberland barons revolted against berchtold v of zähringen , many of oberland barons killed in battle of grindelwald.

during 13th century number of cities near bern granted city right , appointed mayors , city councils. bern became imperial city. during mid-13th century, empire s presence weakened in aare valley, forcing local nobles find allies protect themselves. bern entered number of treaties neighbors in 13th century. in 1274, emperor rudolph of habsburg, confirmed bern s imperial immediacy. however, in 1285 imposed imperial tax drove city support rudolph s enemies. although withstood 2 sieges emperor in 1288, after defeat @ schosshalde in 1289 had pay taxes , penalty.

in 1298 bernese forces won victory @ oberwangen in köniz against county of savoy , habsburg austrian nobility. in 1300, city acquired 4 surrounding parishes of bolligen, vechigen, stettlen , muri, destroyed threatening castles of bremgarten , belp , gave baron of montenach bernese citizenship. after victory of louis iv of bavaria on habsburg frederick fair in battle of mühldorf (bavaria) in 1322, bern entered alliance anti-habsburg swiss forest cantons in 1323.

old swiss confederacy

the swiss confederacy before battle of sempach (1387)

the swiss confederacy in 1416

the swiss confederacy in 18th century

the districts of bernese aargau before creation of canton of aargau

districts of canton of bern in 18th century

bern joined old swiss confederation in 1353.

14th century

in 1310 emperor henry vii pledged laupen castle, laupen , surrounding lands collateral loan. in 1324, bern acquired pledged castle , lands. when emperor unable repay loan, laupen became first bailiwick of bern.

in 1322, brothers eberhard ii of neu-kyburg , hartmann ii of neu-kyburg started fighting each other on inherit family s lands around thun. fighting led fratricide @ thun castle eberhard killed brother hartmann. avoid punishment habsburg overlords, eberhard fled bern. in following year, sold town of thun, castle , land surrounding thun bern. bern granted land eberhard fief. bern s support of eberhard, resulting expansion oberland , alliance forest cantons brought city conflict habsburgs during 14th century. gümmenenkrieg in 1333 between bern , fribourg on rights , influence in sense/singine area ended without resolving anything.

in 1334, bern fought barons of weissenburg , occupied wimmis , unspunnen in oberland. bern s victory allowed them bring oberhasli region, capital of meiringen , weissenburg under control. bern s continued expansion @ expense of feudal lords in surrounding lands. in 1339 habsburgs, kyburgs , fribourg, marched against bern 17,000 men , besieged border town of laupen. raise siege, bern raised force of 6,000, consisting of bernese, supported forest cantons, , other allies (simmental, weissenbur , oberhasli). allied bernese forces victorious @ battle of laupen , bern drew closer swiss forest cantons. entered permanent or eternal alliance uri, schwyz , unterwalden in 1353. date considered date of bern s entrance swiss confederation, alliance indirectly tied bern zürich , lucerne.

in 1358 cash-strapped count peter ii of aarberg pawned county of aarberg bern. however, in 1367 sold it, without repaying bern, cousin rudolf iv of nidau. after rudolf s death (1375) bern acquired clear right aarberg lands other heirs.

throughout 14th century, bern entered alliances , treaties many of neighbors, including members of swiss confederation. bern entered series of agreements biel/bienne, led conflict biel s ruler, jean de vienne, prince-bishop of basel, in 1367–68. bishop marched south , destroyed biel along number of towns in southern jura mountains. during gugler war in 1375, there several battles between bernese troops , english mercenaries under enguerrand de coucy.

by 1370s, kyburgs (which still held thun fief bern) in debt bern. on 11 november 1382, rudolf ii of neu-kyburg made unsuccessful raid on solothurn. ensuing conflict old swiss confederacy (known burgdorferkrieg or kyburgerkrieg) allowed bern move against habsburgs in aargau. after bernese laid siege burgdorf, neu-kyburg forced concede unfavourable peace. bern bought thun , burgdorf, important cities of neu-kyburg, , remaining towns passed bern , solothurn 1408. last of neu-kyburgs, berchtold, died destitute in bern in 1417.

in 1386, austrians under leopold of habsburg invaded eastern switzerland. when besieged city of sempach, troops zürich, lucerne , forest cantons marched out , defeated austrians @ battle of sempach. while bern not involved @ sempach took advantage of austrian weakness march oberland in 1386, followed seeland (the region south of jura mountains containing morat (murten), neuchâtel , bienne (biel) lakes) in 1388 , aargau in 1389. in peace agreement of 1389 bern got unterseen , upper simme valley (simmental) habsburgs. in same year, fribourg accepted berns acquisition of iselgaus, i.e. area between lake biel , seeland. on next several decades bern continued expand detriment of habsburgs , fribourg. acquired following towns: 1391 simmenegg, 1399 signau, 1400 frutigen, 1407 wangen, 1408 trachselwald , huttwil, 1412 oltigen , in 1413 (together solothurn) bipp , bechburg.

15th century

by 1400, bern controlled entire bernese oberland. under control, 5 valleys of oberland enjoyed extensive rights , far-reaching autonomy in bäuerten (farming cooperative municipalities) , talverbänden (rural alpine communities). however, throughout late middle ages, oberland, whole or in part, revolted several times against bernese authority. evil league (böser bund) in 1445 fought against bernese military service , taxes following old zürich war, in 1528 oberland rose in resistance protestant reformation , in 1641 thun revolted.

in bernese oberland during 13th , beginning of 14th century interlaken monastery grew become largest landholder in region. monastery controlled towns of grindlewald, lauterbrunnen , numerous farms along lake brienz. however, in 1350 period of crises , conflicts led decline in number of monks , nuns , increasing debt. in 1348, people of grindelwald , wilderswil joined mutual defense league unterwalden. bern responded military expedition bernese oberland, ended in defeat unterwalden , allies. 1472, bern patron of monastery. during protestant reformation, monastery secularized in 1528. canons received financial settlement , properties managed bernese bailiff. tenants of monastery had expected abolition of owed debts, responded rioting, suppressed bern.

map of modern canton of vaud, annexed bern 1536 until 1798

the lands around northern shore of lake geneva , between lake neuchâtel next area bern expanded. region had been part of carolingian empire. then, in 1032 zähringens of germany defeated burgundians, replaced counts of savoy in 1218. under counts of savoy area given political unity, , established barony of vaud. however, power of savoys declined @ beginning of 15th century land occupied troops bern. 1536 area annexed. reformation started co-workers of john calvin, including viret, engaged in famous debate @ cathedral of lausanne; decisively implemented when bern put full force behind it. vaud french-speaking region in german-speaking canton, caused several uprisings.

both château-d Œx , saanen part of county of gruyère. both districts had quite bit of independence , entered treaties against , best interests of counts. in 1340 saanen valley concluded peace treaty simmental, provided arbitration in disputes. entered treaty in 1393 valais. in 1401, count rudolph of gruyère entered treaty bern included saanen. 2 years later saanen , château-d Œx negotiated own alliances bern. due bernese alliance, saanen sent troops, under own banner, support bernese invasions of aargau in 1415 , valais in 1418. military losses , taxes following old zürich war led saanen support evil league (böser bund) in 1445 against bern.

siege , execution of garrison @ grandson

in 1475, during burgundian wars, mountain regions of saanen , pays-d enhaut, allied bern, attacked , burned tower of aigle castle. gave aigle town , surrounding district bern in exchange not having pay one-third of income bern. in treaty of fribourg 1476, fribourg received rights on aigle district, gave bern in 1483. bern rebuilt aigle castle in 1489 , made seat of bailiwick of aigle. in 1475, confederation attacked , captured grandson castle. in next year, charles bold retook castle , executed bernese garrison. in 1476, @ battle of grandson, charles forces retreated , bernese retook grandson. after charles defeat @ battle of murten, grandson became shared territory between bern , fribourg. each city appointed vogt five-year periods. aigle , grandson first french speaking regions in canton of bern.

during burgundian war in 1475, saanen, troops château-d Œx , simmental captured savoy district of aigle bern. saanen , surrounding district enjoyed great deal of independence during 16th century. however, in 1555 last count of gruyère lost both districts bern when county went bankrupt. bern took on entire saanen valley in following year , introduced protestant reformation. incorporated pays-d enhaut château-d Œx new bernese district of saanen.

acquired districts

the area of canton of bern consists of lands acquired city of bern between 14th , 16th century during original swiss confederacy period, both conquest , purchase.

acquired districts, dates of acquisition, include:

laupen (1324)
oberhasli (1334)
aarberg (1375)
thun , burgdorf (1384)
unterseen , upper simme valley (1386)
frutigen , other towns in bernese oberland (1400)
aargau (1415)
lower simme valley (1439–1449)
aigle , grandson (1475)
interlaken, grindelwald, lauterbrunnen , brienz (1528, suppression of augustinian canons @ interlaken monastery)
vaud (1536)
saanen or gessenay (1555)
the pays d en-haut including château-d Œx (1555)
köniz (1729).

social changes in modern bern

in middle ages, upwards mobility , access public offices relatively easy successful traders , craftsmen, bernese society became ever more stratified , aristocratic power , wealth of city grew.

by 17th century in modern period, citizenship had become inherited prerogative, political bodies elected 1 , officials elected life. in effect, public offices exclusive prerogative of gnädige herren, merciful lords , small number of noble families ruling bern came called. in 1605 there 152 families qualified rule, 1691 number 104, while towards end of 18th century there 69 such families. meanwhile, land ruled town extending on more , more territory, governed 52 bailiwicks. these offices became lucrative bernese territories grew. patrician landvögte, sheriffs, ruled politically powerless countryside, using armed force put down peasant revolts.

in vaud bernese occupants not popular amongst population. in 1723, major abraham davel led revolt against bern, in protest @ saw denial of political rights of french-speaking vaudois german-speaking bernese, , subsequently beheaded.

napoleonic period

the helvetic republic 1798 1801

inspired french revolution, vaudois drove out bernese governor in 1798 , declared lemanic republic. vaud nationalists frédéric-césar de la harpe had called french intervention in liberating area , french revolutionary troops moved in, taking on whole of switzerland in process , setting helvetic republic.

in 1798, establishment of helvetic republic, bern divided, canton of oberland thun capital , canton of léman lausanne capital detached left of canton of bern.

within new canton of oberland, historic borders , traditional rights not considered. there had been no previous separatist feeling amongst conservative population, there little enthusiasm new order. situation in canton of léman quite different. french-speaking vaudois had never felt part of german-speaking canton of bern. when joined swiss confederation in 1803, canton of vaud.

under helvetic republic, pays-d enhaut château-d Œx became part of canton of léman while saanen , rest of district became part of canton of oberland. when helvetic republic collapsed in 1803, saanen , district became district in new canton of bern while château-d oex , district joined vaud.

the 1801 malmaison constitution proposed reuniting oberland bern, not until act of mediation, 2 years later, abolition of helvetic republic , partial restoration of ancien régime, 2 cantons reunited.

between 1803 , 1814 bern 1 of 6 directorial cantons of napoleonic swiss confederation.

modern history

with post−napoleonic restoration of 1815, bern acquired bernese jura biel/bienne bishopric of basel, while canton of léman became canton of vaud , remained separate bern.

bern still remained largest canton of confederacy 1815 1979, when parts of bernese jura broke away form canton of jura. in 1994 laufen district transferred canton of basel-landschaft.


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