39th governor of California (2011–present) Jerry Brown

brown @ campaign rally in sacramento 2 days before election

brown announced candidacy governor on march 2, 2010. first indicating interest in 2008, brown formed exploratory committee in order seek third term governor in 2010, following expiration of governor arnold schwarzenegger s term.

brown s republican opponent in election former ebay president meg whitman. brown endorsed los angeles times, sacramento bee, san francisco chronicle, san jose mercury news, , service employees international union.

both whitman , brown criticized negative campaigning during election. during final debate @ 2010 women s conference week before election, moderator matt lauer asked both candidates pull attack ads rest of election, elicited loud cheers audience. brown agreed , picked 1 ad each of , whitman s thought, if whitman agree, should ones run, whitman, had been loudly cheered earlier prospective first woman governor of state, booed when stated keep ads talk gov. brown stands on issues .

the los angeles times reported $250 million spent on governor s race. @ least 2 spending records broken during campaign. whitman broke personal spending records spending $140 million of own money on campaign, , independent expenditures exceeded $31.7 million, $25 million of spent in support of brown. despite being outspent whitman, brown won gubernatorial race 53.8% whitman s 40.9%.

brown sworn in third term governor on january 3, 2011, succeeding republican arnold schwarzenegger had been term-limited. brown working on budget shift many government programs state local level, reversal of trends first tenure governor.

on june 28, 2012, governor brown signed budget made deep cuts social services assumption voters pass $8 billion in tax hikes in november 2012 close california s $15.7-billion budget deficit. budget reflects tough choices california on track , governor brown said in statement.

governor brown stated: need budget cuts. need continued growth of economy long period of time. re suffering mortgage meltdown killed 600,000 jobs in construction industry. ... re recovering national recession slowly—over 300,000 jobs [gained] since recession. ve got million go. needs continue, depends not on barack obama , congress , federal reserve, on [german chancellor angela] merkel, china, european union, , self-organizing quality of world economy.

in september 2012, brown signed legislation sponsored california state senator ted lieu prohibits protesters @ funerals within 300 feet, convicted violators punishable fines , jail time; legislation in response protests conducted westboro baptist church.

in november 2012 general elections, voters approved brown s proposed tax increases in form of proposition 30. prop 30 raised state personal income tax increase on 7 years california residents annual income on us$250,000 , increased in state sales tax 0.25 percent on 4 years. allowed state avoid $6 billion in cuts public education.

in 2013, brown proposed large, $25 billion bay delta conservation plan (later renamed california water fix , eco restore project) build 2 large, four-story tall, 30 miles (48 km) long tunnels carry fresh water sacramento river under sacramento-san joaquin delta toward intake stations state water project , central valley project. unlike earlier peripheral canal project, 2 tunnels funded agencies , users receiving benefit project , not require voter approval.

in july 2014, brown traveled mexico hold meetings mexican president enrique peña nieto , other central american leaders ongoing children s immigration crisis.

on september 16, 2014, gov. brown signed historical package of groundwater legislation. plan regulate local agencies , implement management plans achieve water sustainability within 20 years.

fourth term

brown meeting u.s. secretary of interior ryan zinke in april 2017

brown announced bid re-election on february 27, 2014. on june 3, came first in primary election on 1.5 million votes. received 54.3% of vote , advanced general election republican neel kashkari, took 19.38% of vote.

there 1 gubernatorial debate. when asked schedule another, brown declined. during debate in sacramento on september 4, 2014, kashkari accused brown of failing improve california s business climate. leading example tesla motors factory investment, creating 6,500 manufacturing jobs, going nevada rather california. brown responded cash payment upfront required investment have been unfair california taxpayers. range of issues debated, including recent legislation ban on plastic bags @ grocery stores brown promised sign , kashkari thought unimportant.

brown said if elected fourth , final term, continue transferring power local authorities, particularly on education , criminal justice policy, , resist fellow democrats gold rush new programs , spending .

in general election, brown re-elected 3,645,835 votes (59.2%) kashkari s 2,511,722 (40.8%). stated goals unprecedented fourth term in office construct california high-speed rail, create tunnels shore state s water system , curb carbon dioxide emissions. still has $20 million in campaign funds can use advance ballot measures in case legislature not support plans.

in october 2015 brown signed off california end of life option act allowing residents of california fulfilled strict criteria exercise right die accessing medical aid in dying. during sign off took unusual step of adding personal message indicating dilemma regarding consideration of ethical issues involved , stating felt unable deny right of choice others.

on december 18, 2015, brown moved historic governor s mansion, part of governor s mansion state historic park.


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