Uses Calcium carbonate

1 uses

1.1 industrial applications
1.2 health , dietary applications
1.3 agricultural use
1.4 environmental applications

industrial applications

the main use of calcium carbonate in construction industry, either building material or limestone aggregate road building or ingredient of cement or starting material preparation of builder s lime burning in kiln. however, because of weathering caused acid rain, calcium carbonate (in limestone form) no longer used building purposes on own, raw/primary substance building materials.

calcium carbonate used in purification of iron iron ore in blast furnace. carbonate calcined in situ give calcium oxide, forms slag various impurities present, , separates purified iron.

in oil industry, calcium carbonate added drilling fluids formation-bridging , filtercake-sealing agent; weighting material increases density of drilling fluids control downhole pressure. calcium carbonate added swimming pools, ph corrector maintaining alkalinity , offsetting acidic properties of disinfectant agent.

it used raw material in refining of sugar sugar beet; calcined in kiln anthracite produce calcium oxide , carbon dioxide. burnt lime slaked in sweet water produce calcium hydroxide suspension precipitation of impurities in raw juice during carbonatation.

calcium carbonate has traditionally been major component of blackboard chalk. however, modern manufactured chalk gypsum, hydrated calcium sulfate caso4·2h2o. calcium carbonate main source growing seacrete, or biorock. precipitated calcium carbonate (pcc), pre-dispersed in slurry form, common filler material latex gloves aim of achieving maximum saving in material , production costs.

fine ground calcium carbonate (gcc) essential ingredient in microporous film used in diapers , building films pores nucleated around calcium carbonate particles during manufacture of film biaxial stretching. gcc or pcc used filler in paper because cheaper wood fiber. in terms of market volume, gcc important types of fillers used. printing , writing paper can contain 10–20% calcium carbonate. in north america, calcium carbonate has begun replace kaolin in production of glossy paper. europe has been practicing alkaline papermaking or acid-free papermaking decades. pcc used paper filling , paper coatings precipitated , prepared in variety of shapes , sizes having characteristic narrow particle size distributions , equivalent spherical diameters of 0.4 3 micrometres.

calcium carbonate used extender in paints, in particular matte emulsion paint typically 30% weight of paint either chalk or marble. popular filler in plastics. typical examples include around 15 20% loading of chalk in unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (upvc) drain pipe, 5 15% loading of stearate coated chalk or marble in upvc window profile. pvc cables can use calcium carbonate @ loadings of 70 phr (parts per hundred parts of resin) improve mechanical properties (tensile strength , elongation) , electrical properties (volume resistivity). polypropylene compounds filled calcium carbonate increase rigidity, requirement becomes important @ high use temperatures. here percentage 20–40%. routinely used filler in thermosetting resins (sheet , bulk molding compounds) , has been mixed abs, , other ingredients, form types of compression molded clay poker chips. precipitated calcium carbonate, made dropping calcium oxide water, used or additives white paint, known whitewashing.

calcium carbonate added wide range of trade , adhesives, sealants, , decorating fillers. ceramic tile adhesives typically contain 70 80% limestone. decorating crack fillers contain similar levels of marble or dolomite. mixed putty in setting stained glass windows, , resist prevent glass sticking kiln shelves when firing glazes , paints @ high temperature.

in ceramics/glazing applications, calcium carbonate known whiting, , common ingredient many glazes in white powdered form. when glaze containing material fired in kiln, whiting acts flux material in glaze. ground calcium carbonate abrasive (both scouring powder , ingredient of household scouring creams), in particular in calcite form, has relatively low hardness level of 3 on mohs scale of mineral hardness, , therefore not scratch glass , other ceramics, enamel, bronze, iron, , steel, , have moderate effect on softer metals aluminium , copper. paste made calcium carbonate , deionized water can used clean tarnish on silver.

health , dietary applications

500-milligram calcium supplements made calcium carbonate

calcium carbonate used medicinally inexpensive dietary calcium supplement gastric antacid (e.g., tums). may used phosphate binder treatment of hyperphosphatemia (primarily in patients chronic renal failure). used in pharmaceutical industry inert filler tablets , other pharmaceuticals.

calcium carbonate used in production of calcium oxide toothpaste , has seen resurgence food preservative , color retainer, when used in or products such organic apples.

excess calcium supplements, fortified food , high-calcium diets, can cause milk-alkali syndrome, has serious toxicity , can fatal. in 1915, bertram sippy introduced sippy regimen of hourly ingestion of milk , cream, , gradual addition of eggs , cooked cereal, 10 days, combined alkaline powders, provided symptomatic relief peptic ulcer disease. on next several decades, sippy regimen resulted in renal failure, alkalosis, , hypercalcaemia, in men peptic ulcer disease. these adverse effects reversed when regimen stopped, fatal in patients protracted vomiting. milk-alkali syndrome declined in men after effective treatments peptic ulcer disease arose. during past 15 years, has been reported in women taking calcium supplements above recommended range of 1.2 1.5 g daily, prevention , treatment of osteoporosis, , exacerbated dehydration. calcium has been added over-the-counter products, contributes inadvertent excessive intake. excessive calcium intake can lead hypercalcemia, complications of include vomiting, abdominal pain , altered mental status.

as food additive designated e170; ins number 170. used acidity regulator, anticaking agent, stabiliser or colour approved usage in eu, usa , australia , new zealand. used in soy milk , almond milk products source of dietary calcium; 1 study suggests calcium carbonate might bioavailable calcium in cow s milk. calcium carbonate used firming agent in many canned or bottled vegetable products.

agricultural use

agricultural lime, powdered chalk or limestone, used cheap method neutralising acidic soil, making suitable planting.

environmental applications

in 1989, researcher, ken simmons, introduced caco3 whetstone brook in massachusetts. hope calcium carbonate counter acid in stream acid rain , save trout had ceased spawn. although experiment success, did increase amount of aluminium ions in area of brook not treated limestone. shows caco3 can added neutralize effects of acid rain in river ecosystems. calcium carbonate used neutralize acidic conditions in both soil , water. since 1970s, such liming has been practiced on large scale in sweden mitigate acidification , several thousand lakes , streams limed repeatedly.

calcium carbonate used in flue gas desulfurisation applications eliminating harmful so2 , no2 emissions coal , other fossil fuels burnt in large fossil fuel power stations.


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