Religious views Thaumaturgy

1 religious views

1.1 christianity
1.2 islam
1.3 judaism
1.4 buddhism

religious views

in original greek writings, term thaumaturge referred several christian saints. translated english wonderworker : saint through whom god works miracles, not occasionally, matter of course. said god raises not more 1 every century. famous ancient christian thaumaturges include saint gregory of neocaesarea, known saint gregory thaumaturgus (c. 213–270), saint menas of egypt (285 – c. 309), saint nicholas of myra (270–343), saint anthony of padua (1195–1231), saint philomena, saint ambrose of optina (1812–1891), saint gerard majella (1726–1755) , saint john of kronstadt (1829–1908). carmelite bishop of fiesole, saint andrew corsini (1302–1373), called thaumaturge during lifetime.

kings of france , england called thaumaturges, traditionally considered able heal scrofula.


miracle in qur can defined supernatural intervention in life of human beings. according definition, miracles present in threefold sense: in sacred history, in connection islamic prophet muhammad himself , in relation revelation . qur not use technical arabic word miracle (muʿdjiza) literally meaning means of [the prophet] confounds, overwhelms, opponents . rather uses term ayah (literally meaning sign). term ayah used in qur in above mentioned threefold sense: refers verses of qur (believed divine speech in human language; presented muhammad chief miracle); miracles of , signs (particularly of creation).



in introduction of translation of spiritual powers (神通 jinzū) chapter of dōgen s shōbōgenzō, carl bielefel refers powers developed adepts of buddhist meditation belonging thaumaturgical tradition .


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