Life and work Richard Kirwan

a burning glass owned richard kirwan

richard kirwan born @ cloughballymore, county galway, second son of marty , martin kirwan of cregg (d.1741), , wife, mary french (d.1751). descendant of william Ó ciardhubháin , member of tribes of galway. part of life spent abroad, , in 1754 entered jesuit novitiate either @ st omer or @ hesdin, returned ireland in following year, when succeeded family estates through death of brother in duel. kirwan married miss blake in 1757, wife lived 8 more years. couple had 2 daughters, maria theresa , eliza.

in 1766, having conformed established religion 2 years previously, kirwan called irish bar, in 1768 abandoned practice in favour of scientific pursuits. during next nineteen years resided chiefly in london, enjoying society of scientific men living there, , corresponding many savants on continent of europe, wide knowledge of languages enabled him ease. experiments on specific gravities , attractive powers of various saline substances formed substantial contribution methods of analytical chemistry, , in 1782 gained him copley medal royal society, of elected fellow in 1780; , in 1784 engaged in controversy henry cavendish in regard latter s experiments on air. in 1784, elected foreign member of royal swedish academy of sciences.

in 1787 kirwan moved dublin, where, in 1799, became president of royal irish academy until death. proceedings contributed thirty-eight memoirs, dealing meteorology, pure , applied chemistry, geology, magnetism , philology. 1 of these, on primitive state of globe , subsequent catastrophe, involved him in lively dispute upholders of huttonian theory. geological work marred implicit belief in universal deluge, , through finding fossils associated trap rocks near portrush maintained basalt of aqueous origin.

kirwan 1 of last supporters in britain , ireland of theory of phlogiston, contended in essay on phlogiston , constitution of acids (1787), identifying phlogiston hydrogen. work, translated marie-anne pierette paulze, published in french critical notes lavoisier , of associates; kirwan attempted refute arguments, proved strong him, , acknowledged himself convert in 1791.

various stories told of kirwan s eccentricities of conversational powers. said flies especial aversion; kept pet eagle, , attended 6 large dogs. there evidence suggest kirwan member of society of united irishmen, revolutionary republican organisation in 18th century ireland. united irishmen founded reformist club group of radical presbyterians in 1791, influenced american , french revolutions. gradually becoming more militant; society advocated catholic emancipation, , overthrow in ireland of british rule. movement culminated in defeat of united irishmen in 1798 rebellion , act of union.

at time of union, kirwan refused baronetcy , died in dublin in june 1812, , buried there in st. george s church, lower temple street.


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