2.2F3rd Londons 3rd (City of London) Battalion, London Regiment

1 2/3rd londons

1.1 gallipoli
1.2 old , new 2/3rd battalion
1.3 bullecourt
1.4 ypres
1.5 spring offensive
1.6 villers bretonneux
1.7 chipilly
1.8 bapaume
1.9 Épehy

2/3rd londons

the 2/3rd battalion disembarked @ malta on 31 december 1914, allowing 1/3rd battalion embark france on 2 january 1915 (see above).


while on malta 2/3rd bn continued training. still regarded draft-finding unit 1/4th bn. on 13 april moved egypt, landing @ port said before going on garrison khartoum in sudan. on 15 september left khartoum , returned port said before carrying on mudros, arrived 18 september. entered gallipoli campaign on 26 september when landed @ suvla , attached regulars of 86th brigade in 29th division. here assigned c section of dublin castle sector of line, company attached 2nd bn royal fusiliers training.

during 2 months of trench holding battalion lost approximately half strength. on 26 november great thunderstorm hit peninsula , trenches flooded, followed snow. 2/3rd londons worst hit of unit: 50 men drowned , 30 evacuated frostbite, leaving battalion effective strength of 6 officers , 50 other ranks. battalion evacuated mudros on 12 december (the whole suvla sector evacuated shortly afterwards) re-inserted in cape helles sector on 16 december, taking positions in gully beach area. evacuated gallipoli on 2 january 1916, week before campaign shut down. mudros battalion taken alexandria.

old , new 2/3rd battalion

once in egypt, london battalions underwent rest , reorganisation @ beni salama camp, attached 53rd welsh division. of them took part in senussi campaign, weak 2/3rd not involved. in april 1916, 2/1st london brigade concentrated @ sidi bishr camp @ alexandria. men handed in obsolete long lee-enfields , issued short pattern (smle). on 17 april whole brigade embarked on hmt transylvania , sailed marseilles.

once in france, 2/1st london brigade moved rouen, disbanded. troops drafted, 1st line battalions in 56th division preparing attack @ gommecourt (see above). meanwhile, 3/3rd londons (see below), completing training in uk, renumbered new 2/3rd bn. battalion formed part of 173rd (3/1st london) brigade (popularly known fusilier brigade) in 58th (2/1st london) division.

at time of renumbering, 58th division carrying out coast defence duties in east anglia, on 10 july 1916 concentrated @ sutton veny final training on salisbury plain. in january 1917, battalion embarked @ southampton docks le havre, , joined division concentrated around lucheux. in february division went line first time, @ ransart, south of arras. considered quiet sector, , battalions introduced trench warfare units of 46th (north midland) , 49th (west riding) divisions. february april 58th division followed german retreat hindenburg line , put work repair roads , railways destroyed retreating troops.


under heavy shellfire during night of 13/14 may, 173rd bde relieved 15th australian brigade, had been attacking @ second battle of bullecourt. 2/3rd , 2/4th battalions took on front line, driving off serious counter-attack on 15 may, while rest of division completed capture of village on succeeding days. @ end of month 2/3rd bn in support of extended line. on 15 june 173rd bde attacked section of hindenburg line knuckle hump , supported full artillery of v corps , 7th, 58th (2/1st london) , 62nd (2nd west riding) divisions. 1 company of 2/3rd bn formed right of attack under command of 2/1st londons. 0 hour set 02.50, , after struggle overcome number of pillboxes or mebus, objectives taken , consolidated behind standing barrage. second phase of attack, against hindenburg support line, followed next day, 3 companies of 2/3rd bn in first wave. preparations attack hampered series of german counter-attacks during night, attackers unable recognise objectives in shell-damaged line , got far forward, artillery support coud not arranged, , end of day no gains had been made.


captured german pillbox or mebu @ passchendaele

after period of trench holding near arras, 58th division moved ypres salient in late august 1917. 2/3rd londons held line until relieved on 18 september 2/4th londons, detailed attack of 20 september (the battle of menin road ridge). battalion took positions make dummy attack on waterlogged portion of no man s land no real attack possible. attack 2/4th londons successful, except @ schuler farm. 1 company of 2/3rd londons went stiffen depleted 2/4th bn. 2/3rd tasked making renewed attack platoon on schuler farm @ daybreak on 21 september. after german counter-attacks previous day, attack on schuler farm delayed further reconnaissance, during platoon commander, 2/lt middlemiss, saw farm s garrison surrender unit, hit fire mebu. platoon s objective turned strongpoint, found have been abandoned, whole position in british hands , held against fierce counter-attacks during evening.

although 58th division participated in battle of polygon wood (26 september), 173rd bde not engaged, , afterwards 58th went reserve.

passchendaele mud

the division returned line second battle of passchendaele. 2/3rd , 2/2nd bns londons detailed capture , consolidate first objective, after 45 minutes 2/4th bn leap-frog through , take 173rd bde s second objective. division arrived, weather broke, , pre-battle assembly in poelcapelle area extraordinarily difficult. battalion forced jump off @ 05.30 on 26 october line of flooded craters under enemy shellfire , struggle forward behind weak barrage advanced quickly. exhausted men, hardly rifle able fire because of mud, got no closer 250 yards objective @ spider crossroads before being pushed start line counter-attack @ 07.20. withdrawal of 2/3rd bn exposed flank of 2/2nd bn, forced withdraw 1 objective. battalion s co, lt-col p.w. beresford, killed, , @ end of day frontline strength of 2/3rd bn 2 officers , 17 men.

the 58th division remained @ poelcappelle hold line during november , december before transferred south in january 1918. here spent time digging defences, converting former french positions newly devised defences in depth. in february 1918 battalion absorbed drafts disbanded 2/1st bn in 173rd bde , 1/3rd bn 56th division , became 3rd londons (see above).

spring offensive

when german spring offensive opened on 21 march 1918, 58th division positioned astride river oise 173rd bde north of river @ la fère. covering wide frontage of 5000 yards 3rd londons in reserve @ viry-noureuil. general oskar von hutier directed 4 german divisions under von gayl against front. german attack developed behind heavy bombardment , shrouded mist, using infiltration tactics. battalion sent company support 2/4th londons ar fargniers in battle zone, while rest of battalion patrolled , tried make contact 2/2nd bn in forward zone. midday germans had cleared forward zone, several of strongpoints in battle zone held out. company @ fargniers ordered counter-attack, partially successful, , in afternoon second company sent reinforce ferme rouge farm. however, 2 platoons reached objective, while other 2 destroyed enemy fire while crossing crozat canal. resistance in defended localities in battle zone continued rearguard action until fighting petered out @ nightfall. midnight of survivors of 173rd bde had withdrawn in order across crozat canal.

while 8th londons held canal, remnants of 173rd bde dug in on vouel line behind them. german attack renewed in afternoon of 22 march, canal held until nightfall, attacks on vouel line coming german artillery ranged in spotter aircraft. following day, vouel line (now british front line) became crowded french troops failed counter-attack on canal, while left flank in air after retreat of 18th (eastern) division. position became untenable @ mid-day, when ordered withdraw green line 1500 yards back, , brigade , french troops had fight way partly-dug position. continued pressure on open left flank, 173rd bde forced withdraw again, beyond viry-noureuil.

the mixed force under 173rd bde held out on fourth day of battle until afternoon, when made planned withdrawal, , 16.30 had retired across oise join rest of 58th division. here composite fusilier battalion formed under lt-col dann of 2/4th, company drawn each of 2/2nd, 3rd, 2/4th , 8th londons: no 4 company comprised 189 men of 3rd bn under 2nd lieutenant. fusilier battalion held river crossings until relieved on night of 25/26 march. in period 21–24 march casualties of 3rd bn 18 officers , 341 other ranks out of strength of 47 officers , 909 other ranks when battle opened.

villers bretonneux

58th division relieved french on 2/3 april , moved rail cover villers-bretonneux against continuing german advance. on 12 april, 173rd bde in support behind australian troops, , on 18 april relieved 5th australian brigade in front line, 3rd bn taking right sector. work had done improve line , consisted of no more isolated posts not yet connected or wired in, , work hampered frequent german shelling.

knocked-out a7v tank.

the german second army launched second battle of villers-bretonneux on 24 april. on 173rd s front bombardment opened shortly before 04.00 , inflicted serious casualties. supported 6 a7v tanks , attacking out of mist, gemans pushed left flank of brigade hangard wood, 3rd bn maintained position round hangard village on right, , position stabilised support of british tanks. counter-attack night restored original line.


regimental aid post near chipilly, 10 august 1918.

the battalion spent summer of 1918 working on defences in front of amiens , alternating 2/2nd , 8th londons in tours of duty in line. germans in front beginning give ground, , allies prepared go offensive. opening attack of allied hundred days offensive (the battle of amiens) on 8 august 1918, 174th bde given initial objective of capturing malard wood, after 173rd bde pass through take vital chipilly ridge overlooking bend in river somme , flanking battlefield. 3rd londons led on right of 173rd bde s advance in artillery formation through german barrage fell behind 174th bde. in morning mist battalion drifted 500 yards left of intended line through gullies. @ 08.30, leading companies reached far edge of malard wood, mist began clear , battalion brought halt machine gun fire across valley in front , dug in @ edge of wood. other battalions, coming in support, unable renew advance.

the ruins of chipilly after capture

the failure take chipilly ridge resulted in heavy casualties troops left of 58th division overlooked feature. division therefore made second attack on 9 august. 3rd londons attacked on right of 173rd bde, assembly trench turned out no more string of shell-holes, , behind misdirected barrage. supporting american battalion not yet in line , brigade enfiladed chipilly village. under heavy fire , taking serious casualties, battalions dug in under shelter of chipilly gully. @ nightfall 2/10th londons managed clear chipilly village , dislodge defenders ridge.


the second battle of bapaume opened on 22 august , continued night attack on 23/24 august, in 173rd bde supported 175th bde , 47th division. dawn attack followed on 25 august 3rd londons on left of 173rd bde in close support. in morning mist leading units found german positions empty, , 173rd bde passed through begin pursuit. 2/4th londons followed cavalry billon wood, enemy contacted , infantry deployed , attacked. despite intense shelling, 3rd londons made progress towards maricourt , @ dusk sent 2 companies thicken line established 2/2nd londons.

the attack renewed @ 04.30 on 26 august, 3rd londons leading advance towards maricourt behind heavy barrage. although penetrated village, faced strong opposition in crest avenue , flanks in air, fell back. renewed attack @ 04.55 on 27 august saw battalion pass through , mop village during morning. although troops tired, pressure kept up. on 28 august 3rd londons attacked towards clapham farm , gained 1000 yards. brigade relieved evening. however, called forward again , on 1 september, 3rd londons on left, attacked behind creeping barrage @ 05.30 towards bouchavesnes. village captured , old british front line secured. attack slowed stubborn resistance , open flanks @ end of day brigade made final objective overlooking river tortille , canal du nord.


after period in reserve, weak 173rd bde (900 strong) attacked again on 10 september towards villages round Épehy, 3rd londons on right following creeping artillery barrage , machine gun barrage along ne–sw spur leading Épehy. managed village , reached railway line beyond, considerable opposition met german alpine corps, attack lost cohesion in ruined streets, , attackers had withdraw starting position. infiltration tactics tried no better success. after short period of training brigade made more deliberate attack on 18 september supported tanks , succeeded in taking Épehy , pezières, 3rd londons dealing strongpoint of fisher s keep. fall of Épehy way main hindenburg line defences open.

58th division sent hold quiet sector in area of lens, 3rd londons support battalion 173rd bde. on 2 october germans on front began withdraw because of pressure elsewhere. division followed until resistance stiffened @ méricourt on 4 october. next few days 3rd londons, in outpost line, patrolled forwards , on 9 october succeeded in pushing through loison. on 11 october germans continued withdrawal. on 14 october, 173rd bde put in deliberate attack artillery support line of haute deûle canal. patrols night found canal held

the german withdrawal continued on 15 october , 173rd bde in divisional reserve while pursuit continued. on 20 october brigade took on lead 3rd londons advanced guard meeting against slight resistance. on 21 october division reached scheldt , established posts in villages overlooking river. after failed attempt cross river, outposts thinned out , 173rd bde went reserve. on 8 november enemy began pull scheldt , 173rd bde followed rest of division in pursuit until 11 november, when armistice germany came force.

after armistice, 58th division remained in péruwelz area of belgium. education , training courses carried out men preparing demobilisaton, , skilled tradesmen , miners first sent home. @ beginning of march 1919 dwindling division concentrated round leuze, , last units returned home @ end of june 1919.


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