Social development Qatar Foundation

1 social development

1.1 arts , culture initiatives
1.2 community initiatives
1.3 events

social development

qatar foundation s community development initiatives based on 3 primary pillars. first pillar mandates fostering of progressive society . secondly, enhancing cultural life , protecting qatar’s heritage enshrined in foundation s community development policy. goal signified presence of sidra tree in foundation s logo, symbol associated islamic sidrat al-muntaha , evergreen tree, ziziphus spina-christi, native qatar. last pillar involves addressing community s immediate social needs . example of initiative designed meet goal qatar diabetes association, incorporated in qatar foundation in order raise public awareness of rising rates of diabetes , assist in management.

arts , culture initiatives

an arabic calligraphy exhibition hosted qatar foundation in september 2014

al shaqab, equine education resource centre, became member of qatar foundation in 2004. institution considered testament historic role horse racing , breeding played in qatari culture. facilities include riding academy, endurance training complex, , centre breeding , showing of arabian horses.

al jazeera children s channel (jcc) launched in 2005 joint venture between al jazeera , qatar foundation aim of preserving arab cultural identity . 90 percent of channel being owned qatar foundation, broadcast foundation s doha campus along baraem, arabic channel aimed @ preschoolers. al jazeera announced in 2013 in process of acquiring full ownership of channel.

in 2006, qatar national library (then known dar al kutub library) became member of qatar foundation. on november 19, 2012, moza bint nasser, chairperson of qatar foundation, announced plans new national library. education city chosen location of new library. notable attraction within library arab , islamic heritage section contains historic collection of books, periodicals, manuscripts, maps, , scientific instruments dating 15th century. 1 of largest online collections of historic records on persian gulf countries digitized in october 2014 , made available on website of qatar digital library (qdl). website culmination of partnership established between qatar foundation, qatar national library, , british library in 2012.

in 2008, qatar philharmonic orchestra established. founded base of around 100 musicians, orchestra s mission augment qatar s cultural climate honoring both arab , western musical culture through public performances.

qatar foundation opened mathaf: arab museum of modern art in december 2010 in association qatar museums authority. in addition hosting exhibitions, museum holds 1 of largest collections of sculptures , paintings arab artists in world. museum has published online encyclopedia of arab artists.

msheireb properties (a subsidiary of qatar foundation) initiated $5.5 billion commercial development project in doha in january 2010. called heart of doha , project renamed msheireb downtown doha in reference historical name of area.

community initiatives

the qatar diabetes association, founded in 1995, became member of qatar foundation in 1999. mission provide programs , services assist general public in management , prevention of diabetes.

the social development center established in 1996 moza bint nasser organize community programs qatari families. promotes building of stable , self-sufficient families offering workplace training , providing courses in financial management. cardinal goal of center involves promoting islamic social values.

qatar foundation established reach out asia (rota) – charity initiative focused on assisting community development projects in asian countries – in 2005. rota campaigns education in developing countries. organization has carried out activities in countries such pakistan, indonesia, lebanon, , gaza.

in 2006, moza bint nasser founded doha international family institute (difi). institute conducts research , promotes scholarship on legal, sociological , scientific basis of family fundamental unit of society. has consultative status united nations economic , social council (unecosoc).


the qatardebate center established in 2007. in addition organizing workshops , competitions intent of raising standards of open discussion among qatari students, center hosted world schools debating championship in 2010. launched in 2007 qatar career fair (qcf), annual event held @ qatar national convention centre showcases range of career options available qatari students , graduates.

the qatar national convention centre inaugurated qf in december 2011. features 2,300-seat auditorium.


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