November 2012 ceasefire and its violations 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict

gaza strip: access , closure

a sculpture in sderot made rocket debris


both israel , hamas argue other violated 2012 ceasefire agreement, resulting in 1 israeli , 8 gazan deaths , 5 israeli , 66 gazan injuries. according israeli security agency (shabak) there sharp decrease in attacks gaza in 2013. nevertheless, 63 rockets (average 5 per month) launched in 36 rocket attacks in addition various mortar attacks, prohibited november 2012 ceasefire. palestinian centre human rights (pchr) reported monthly israeli attacks involving drones, missiles, small arms fire , airstrikes. 6 of deaths in gaza occurred in border area s access restricted areas (aras, non-demarcated zones within gazan territory unilaterally defined israel being of restricted access), despite ceasefire s prohibition on israeli attacks on these areas. ochao, more broadly sourced data, reported 11 deaths in gaza , 81 injuries 2013.

in first 3 months after idf operation pillar of defense, according ben white, 2 mortar shells struck israeli territory, while 4 gazans shot dead , 91 wounded israeli forces fired inside gazan territory on 63 occasions, made 13 incursions strip, , attacked gazan fishing fleet 30 times. israeli attacks on gaza steadily increased during second half of 2013, notwithstanding decrease in attacks gaza.

from december 2012 late june/early july 2014, hamas did not fire rockets israel, , tried police other groups doing so. these efforts largely successful; netanyahu stated in march 2014 rocket fire in past year lowest in decade. according shabak, in first half of 2014 there 181 rocket attacks compared 55 rocket attacks in whole 2013.

as occasional rocket fire continued, blockade of gaza continued in direct violation of ceasefire agreement. crossings repeatedly shut , buffer zones reinstated. imports declined, exports blocked, , fewer gazans given exit permits israel , west bank.

israel halted construction material going gaza after stated had discovered tunnel leading israel, 300 m kibbutz. idf said third tunnel discovered year , previous 2 packed explosives.

some of weapons captured in khan yunis.

according israeli ministry of foreign affairs, there 85 rocket attacks in first 5 months of 2014. of 85 rockets fired in march, after idf killed 3 members of islamic jihad. members of pij firing rockets in response incursion israeli tanks , bulldozers gazan territory east of khan yunis area. idf said conducting routine military patrols near gaza border when came under fire, , responded airstrikes.


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