Political career Ignacy Potocki

ignacy potocki anna rajecka

on 29 may 1773 received office of great clerk (writer) of lithuania, relatively low-ranked position seen below magnates of potocki family. participated in partition sejm of 1773, sat on several commissions. seeing himself in opposition king, refused seat on permanent council offered in march 1774. king tried appease him order of saint stanislaus on 14 july year, failed bring potocki side. instead, potocki became, next decade , half, 1 of chief political critics , opponents; on 1776 went moscow argue, unsuccessfully, limiting power of king , russian ambassador, otto magnus von stackelberg. later year, election sejm disputed, , king , stackelberg managed block election. in 1778 however, growing rift between king , stackelberg allowed him take, through political maneuvering, chairmanship of permanent council marshal of sejm. year became knight of order of white eagle.

in 1779 potocki joined freemasonry, , 1780 advanced head of freemasonry lodge. became de facto head of familia , , of anti-royal opposition (succeeding previous leader, stanisław lubomirski, upon death in 1783). year saw sudden death of wife. during trip italy , france, in absentia, influence of familia resulted in appointment office of court marshal of lithuania. continued oppose various royal projects @ sejms of 1784 , 1786. in 1785 lost face involvement in dogrumowa affair, in king falsely accused of instigation of poisoning attempt.

disappointed russia s lack of support serious reforms in poland, shifted favoring alliance kingdom of prussia instead. although resulted in split of anti-royalist opposition, seen leader of opposition (the patriotic party) when great sejm begun in 1788. after initial political manevrouving, issues of closer relation prussia (that grew polish-prussian alliance) , major reform of government, both closely involved, begun accelerating in 1789. @ first supportive more of republican form of government, political reality (such royal faction victory @ elections of 1790) resulted in acceptance of more constitutional monarchy approach. in 1790, through mediation of scipione piattoli, king , potocki begun drifting closer together, working on draft document become 3 may 1791 constitution. alongside poniatowski, kołłątaj , piattoli, seen 1 of major authors of document. supported quasi-coup d état in constitution passed on 3 may 1791.

on 17 may 1791, had resign position in commission of national education take appointment (minister of police) in newly created government, guard of laws. march 1792 held position of minister of war. during war in defence of constitution in 1792 went on unsuccessful diplomatic mission berlin request assistance prussian government. on 4 july 1792 sudden depression made him resign ministerial positions. vocal opponent of targowica confederation , author of anonymous anti-targowica brochure, requested russian government not involved in negotiations; refused join targowica confederation, after poniatowski s accession it.


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