Story Assassin's Creed Syndicate

1 story

1.1 dreadful crimes
1.2 last maharaja
1.3 jack ripper
1.4 time anomaly


in present day, helix player, assassin initiate, once again contacted bishop assassin brotherhood, , tasked reliving memories of twin assassins, jacob , evie frye, find piece of eden hidden in london. meanwhile, rebecca crane , shaun hastings have infiltrated abstergo facility and, against orders, decide spy on secret templar meeting.

in 1868, henry green—born jayadeep mir, son of indian assassin, arbaaz mir—writes assassin brotherhood begging aid. green explains brotherhood in london has fallen, leaving city @ mercy of templar grand master crawford starrick, controls both london s industry , criminal underworld. starrick plans use wealth , influence seize control of britain and, through holdings, world. outside of london, frye twins begin work, jacob assassinating corrupt factory boss, rupert ferris. evie infiltrates lab owned , run david brewster , templar occultist, lucy thorne. inside, evie finds brewster experimenting on piece of eden , assassinates him. brewster tells evie starrick knows of second, more powerful piece of eden when first piece of eden becomes unstable , explodes, forcing evie flee. missions successful, frye twins decide disobey orders brotherhood , head london. in present, rebecca , shaun spy on meeting between senior templar figure isabelle ardant , Álvaro gramática. rebecca , shaun attempt capture isabelle had anticipated ambush, revealing sigma team leader otso berg , violet da costa there intercept 2 assassins. nevertheless, 2 manage flee when bishop detonates pre-planted explosive.

in past, frye twins arrive in london , meet henry green, reveals himself old acquaintance of father. have differing ideas on how liberate london; jacob advocating take fight straight templars, while evie advises find piece of eden first. both agree begin liberating various boroughs of london defeating templar-controlled gangs, sabotaging templar-controlled businesses, assassinating high ranking templars, , building own criminal gang called rooks. along way, enlist of various people including: charles dickens, frederick abberline, alexander graham bell, florence nightingale, edward hodson bayley, , young arthur conan doyle.

jacob decides investigate mysterious , addictive soothing syrup starrick has been distributing across london , poisoning populace. meets charles darwin, investigating syrup. together, destroy factory producing syrup , interrogate richard owen. owen informs them john elliotson has been manufacturing syrup. jacob , darwin head lambeth asylum, jacob assassinates elliotson. next, jacob decides assist pearl attaway, 1 of starrick s competitors in omnibus business. sabotages starrick s omnibus company , assassinates boss, malcolm milner. however, milner warns jacob starrick , attaway cousins , attaway templar. in response, jacob assassinates attaway. jacob learns of templar banker philip twopenny s plot rob bank of england , steal gold reserve. abberline s assistance, jacob breaks bank , assassinates twopenny. jacob heads parliament prevent templar plot assassinate british prime minister benjamin disraeli, pushing pass corrupt practices act. jacob assassinates mastermind, earl of cardigan.

jacob contacted maxwell roth, leader of templar-controlled gang, blighters. roth offers betray templars , form alliance rooks, jacob accepts. after assisting roth in several missions against starrick, jacob breaks off alliance when roth tricks him bombing building full of child laborers. jacob infiltrates roth s headquarters @ alhambra theatre , assassinates roth.

meanwhile, evie looks piece of eden, managing steal assassin journal thorne. analyzing journal, evie discovers refers shroud of eden, piece of eden can heal injury, including old age, , makes wearer immortal. follows trail of clues underneath mansion of edward kenway, finds map detailing locations of of assassin vaults hidden in london. search leads famous landmarks such monument great fire of london , st. paul s cathedral. obtains key needed access shroud s vault, stolen thorne. evie heads tower of london, vault located , assassinates thorne. thorne explains shroud not in tower , claims assassins have no idea of true power of shroud before dying. green believes real vault hidden in buckingham palace, , enlists aid of maharajah duleep singh find schematics building. unfortunately, templars manage seize schematics first. in addition hunt shroud, evie helps correct unintended consequences jacob s assassinations have caused such medicine shortages , currency inflation.

with of lieutenants dead, starrick moves retrieve shroud personally. throughout latter part of game, twins different views on approaching time in london come boiling point when jacob , evie argument on jacob s recklessness , evie s apparent inaction. henry warns frye twins starrick plans break buckingham palace, steal shroud, , kill of britain s heads of church , state. frye twins agree work stop starrick before going separate ways. twins infiltrate ball being held @ palace, meet queen victoria , starrick himself. starrick beats them vault , obtains shroud himself, grants him superhuman strength , regeneration wounds. working together, frye twins , green manage defeat , kill starrick. after battle, jacob , evie return shroud vault, reconcile differences, , agree continue working together. in recognition of deeds, queen victoria knights frye twins , green.

in present, location of shroud confirmed, shaun, rebecca, , russian assassin galina voronina head vault. unfortunately, otso berg, da costa, , ardant beat them there , fight ensues in berg knocked unconscious, rebecca shot , wounded , ardant killed shaun while da costa escapes shroud. hacking isabelle s computer, assassins find out templars plan use shroud construct living precursor. recording shows juno secretly manipulating employees within abstergo behind scenes sabotage company, , has own plans shroud. juno contacts initiate through simulation, leading them new memory segment of lydia frye, tracks down , kills sage in war-torn london during world war i.

the dreadful crimes

the frye twins approached henry raymond, penny dreadful writer, follower, young arthur conan doyle. team investigate series of murders across london, visiting crime scenes, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses , suspects, , solving crimes accusing true perpetrators.

the twins summoned buckingham palace queen victoria, in order solve murder of 1 of guards. turns out in fact raymond has posed guard , faked own death, may steal queen s sceptre of dove observing close combination safe holds it. has left series of false clues suggesting bomb threat in palace in order cover escape. doyle has uncovered plan , set out stop him, held hostage on palace roof in process. 1 of fryes manages distract raymond while other sneaks , kills him, saving doyle , recovering sceptre. in aftermath, fryes encourage doyle try own hand @ writing detective fiction.

the last maharaja

after unpleasant conversation duleep singh regarding lack of commitment people of india, henry green decides enlist of frye twins maharaja persuaded reclaim birthright. twins manage recover singh s letters mother, intercepted british indies company (b.i.c.) in order stop correspondence. convinces singh should take action.

singh orders twins locate , recover stolen punjabi gold, before arranging transports ship gold india. proposes recover koh-i-noor, diamond in possession of queen victoria, kept in tower of london. twins accomplish goal infiltrating gala held @ location; henry shows diamond recover replica, , true koh-i-noor in fact in safe hands of british assassins, jayadeep s father arbaaz mir handing on diamond jacob , evie s father ethan frye.

the twins head b.i.c. factory , put end company s production of biological weapons. in process, discover brinley ellsworth, close friend of singh s, in fact behind plots against maharaja. singh arranges meeting confronts ellsworth. evie s help, ellsworth subdued. however, evie prepares execute ellsworth, stopped singh, chooses exercise mercy. singh twins contribution before parting ways them, continuing fight heritage.

jack ripper

the story begins in 1888, 20 years after main game, assassin jacob frye meeting mr. weaversbrook, warned not publish jack s letters wants spread fear in london. receives word of murder , goes investigate. jacob goes after ripper, begins following him before attacking. ripper pursues jacob, revealed knows jacob personally, , possesses assassin abilities. after escaping, jacob reaches lodgings, ripper arrives , attacks again, jacob seemingly being killed.

following incident, jacob s sister evie frye arrives india, having been summoned jacob time before, greeted police inspector frederick abberline, informs jacob missing , presumed dead. tells may last assassin in london, , 1 capable of stopping ripper. after finding jacob s lodgings, evie takes non-lethal fear tools used indian brotherhood. deduces ripper in fact 1 of jacob s assassin initiates. afterwards, kills ripper s lieutenants have been aiding in crimes , frees number of prisoners had been keeping hostage. while, ripper stalks evie.

with more murders occurring, evie pressured find ripper quickly; after ripper s final murder, abberline makes plain unless delivers ripper, not able stop being arrested crimes – evie vows stop ripper or die trying. re-examines of old crime scenes , finds hidden clues lead him, learning fact of women murdered assassins. later finds message left ripper, reveals never forgave jacob failing protect mother being killed starrick s men. evie deduces ripper waiting @ lambeth asylum, imprisoned before jacob recruited him brotherhood. meanwhile, ripper returns asylum , murders former tormentors. evie arrives shortly after ripper , kills him in battle. afterwards, finds imprisoned still alive jacob. ripper dead, abberline agrees cover ripper s identity assassin in order protect brotherhood.

time anomaly

following game s events, jacob marries , has 1 son, inducted brotherhood. marries, , later has child named lydia frye, born in 1893. inducted brotherhood , trained under grandparents. later marries assassin named sam crowder, keeps maiden name.

at outbreak of world war i, 1914, jacob , evie removed safety of countryside, while lydia remained in london fight off german spies , templar terrorists.

in 1916, @ behest of winston churchill, lydia infiltrated , eliminated german templar spy facility in tower bridge. later sought out, on request, rest of group , sage leader deemed pressing matter of national security unable broach government lacked strong enough evidence. in exchange services, churchill promised lydia enfranchisement of women when had returned parliament after war.

lydia later conquers every single templar-infested area, killing german spies , templar captains, flushing sage out of hiding place , killing him.

for every target , objective lydia killed , completed, juno appeared , told past , rise. juno learns of mentioned sage s fate, , initiate finding out, before suggesting hope , assassins can work in future.


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