Evolution Ready for Labour and Defence of the USSR

1 evolution

1.1 pre-world war ii
1.2 1945-1972
1.3 1972 , beyond
1.4 after breakup of ussr

pre-world war ii

initially gto had 1 level 3 age groups. earn gto badge, individual needed pass 21 tests, of 13 had concrete norms. sports in country beginning develop; there few physical culture collectives enterprises , organizations, organize physical training, , gto provided unique possibility involve people sports activities, hence variety of tests. on december 7, 1932, second level introduced same 3 age groups. done stimulate improvement of skills of passed first level. second level had 24 tests, 19 of them had concrete norms. each test result 1 of two: passed , not passed .

the next change followed in 1934, when third level had been introduced, 2 age groups: children 13-14 , 15–16 years of age. level had separate name - ready labour , defence of ussr (russian: Будь готов к труду и обороне СССР ), abbreviated bgto . defined structure of gto many years: had bgto , gto 1st level , gto 2nd level stages until 1972. after structure of gto programme established, next revisions dealt system of tests, applicable evaluate physical conditions of different age groups of population; improvements in norm requirements; specifying age limits of levels.

in 1939 tense international situation caused inclusion of tests, necessary prepare young people service in red army, , prepare population possible war. such disciplines crawling on , speedy foot march , throwing bunch of grenades , rope (also pole , tree) climbing , carrying on cartridge box , various martial arts introduced. of them removed in post-world war ii revisions. throwing grenade , 50 m small bore rifle shooting (men only) remained.


the 1946 revision, along gto s importance military , labour activities, emphasized health protection aspect. in many tests norms reduced, reflecting devastation , famine worsened health of people. 1959 revision saw new system of evaluation. earn gto badge, person had collect number of points, passing tests. stimulated individual s interest in achieving best results possible in tests of programme.

1972 , beyond

the major changes in gto programme done in 1972, after thorough scientific testing , approval of how put practice, carried out all-union nii of physical culture. main principles of programme tested on large scale in severodonetsk , salavat. programme approved on january 17, 1972 decision of cpsu central committee , council of ministers of ussr. age limits extended 14-46 10-60 , comprised 8 age groups on 5 levels (as compared 5 age groups on 3 levels previously). each of levels (russian: ступени) had name. were:

there 2 badges on each level; silver gto badge , golden gto badge, awarded passed tests, fulfilling respective norms. on fourth level, physical perfection , there special gto honours golden badge, awarded those, fulfilled norms required golden badge of fourth level , first class sportsman in 1 sports discipline or second-class sportsman in 2 disciplines. among tests running (100m, 1000m, 3000m), long jump, high jump, pull-ups, rising turn on high bar, dummy grenade throwing, cross-country skiing (5 km or 10 km; or 5 km running in southern regions), 50m small bore rifle shooting, swimming (100m time, or 200m without time).

since 1974 all-union around gto Сompetition held, gold medal ussr around gto champion (russian: Чемпион СССР по многоборью ГТО) awarded first place. in 1975, 37 million people participated in competition, 500 people competed in finals.

in 1985 sixth level introduced - ready start (russian: К стартам готов ) - boys , girls 7–9 years of age. so, gto programme comprised ages.

after breakup of ussr

after breakup of ussr in 1991, gto programme eliminated in of former soviet republics. in russia gto programme did not exist ten years, has begun revived since 2003.

on march 24, 2014 president vladimir putin signed decree restore gto in modern russian federation under same traditional name.


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