
Showing posts from January, 2015

Second week (25 June – 1 July) Waterloo Campaign

on 25 june napoleon received fouché, president of newly appointed provisional government (and napoleon s former police chief), intimation must leave paris. retired malmaison, former home of joséphine, had died shortly after first abdication. on 27 june, le quesnoy surrendered wellington s army. garrison, amounted 2,800 men, chiefly national-guards, obtained liberty retire homes. on 26 june, péronne taken british troops. first brigade of guards, under major-general maitland, took storm horn-work covers suburbs on left of somme, , place surrendered, upon garrison obtaining leave retire homes. on 28 june, prussians, under blücher, @ crépy, senlis, , la ferté-milon; and, on 29 june, advanced guards @ saint-denis , gonesse. resistance experienced british army @ cambrai , péronne, detained them 1 day behind prussian army; forced marches enabled them overtake in neighbourhood of paris. in meantime, soult displaced chief command of army, conferred on marshal grouchy. reason of remarkable step,

Military situation Battle of Glendale

the 7 days battles began union attack in minor battle of oak grove on june 25, 1862, mcclellan lost initiative lee began series of attacks @ beaver dam creek (mechanicsville) on june 26, gaines s mill on june 27, minor actions @ garnett s , golding s farm on june 27 , june 28, , attack on union rear guard @ savage s station on june 29. mcclellan s army of potomac continued retreat toward safety of harrison s landing on james river. after gaines s mill, mcclellan left army no clear instructions on routes of withdrawal , without naming second-in-command. bulk of v corps (less mccall), under brig. gen. fitz john porter, moved occupy malvern hill, while remaining 4 corps of army of potomac operating independently in fighting withdrawal. elements of army had been able cross white oak swamp creek noon on june 30. 1 third of army had reached james river, remainder still marching between white oak swamp , glendale. (glendale name of tiny community @ intersection of charles city road , quaker r

Central Government Ministries List of Japanese government and military commanders of World War II

1 central government ministries 1.1 kodoha ideological advisers in government 1.2 chief of cabinet secretary 1.3 welfare minister 1.4 minister of education 1.5 imperial youth federation/imperial youth corps 1.6 minister of state affairs 1.7 finance minister 1.8 government finances , economics entities 1.9 commerce , industry minister 1.10 government industry, commerce , trading organizations 1.11 minister of trade 1.12 minister of state (without portfolio) 1.13 minister of agriculture 1.14 communications minister 1.15 president of international cultural relations society 1.16 justice minister 1.17 home affairs minister 1.18 diet members central government ministries kodoha ideological advisers in government sadao araki hideki tōjō koiso kuniaki jinsaburo mazaki heisuke yanagawa hideyoshi obata kazushige ugaki hajime sugiyama yoshijirō umezu tetsuzan nagata chief of cabinet secretary naoki hoshino: chief of cabinet secretary welfare minister kōichi kido: education, welfare , home minist

Social development Qatar Foundation

1 social development 1.1 arts , culture initiatives 1.2 community initiatives 1.3 events social development qatar foundation s community development initiatives based on 3 primary pillars. first pillar mandates fostering of progressive society . secondly, enhancing cultural life , protecting qatar’s heritage enshrined in foundation s community development policy. goal signified presence of sidra tree in foundation s logo, symbol associated islamic sidrat al-muntaha , evergreen tree, ziziphus spina-christi, native qatar. last pillar involves addressing community s immediate social needs . example of initiative designed meet goal qatar diabetes association, incorporated in qatar foundation in order raise public awareness of rising rates of diabetes , assist in management. arts , culture initiatives an arabic calligraphy exhibition hosted qatar foundation in september 2014 al shaqab, equine education resource centre, became member of qatar foundation in 2004. institution considered te

1990s Comrades Marathon

comrades marathon house, cma s headquarters in pietermaritzburg race statistics , memorabilia kept during 1990s size of starting fields in region of 12,000 14,000 runners. in 1995 prize money introduced, attracting more foreign competitors. traditional race day of may 31, formerly republic day, changed june 16, anniversary of soweto uprising. in 1992 charl mattheus, crossed finish line first, later disqualified after testing positive banned substance. claimed contained in medicine had taken sore throat, jetman msutu elevated winner, becoming second black winner of comrades. in sad twist mattheus, substance banned later removed iaaf s banned substance list since evidence pointed having no performance enhancing properties. mattheus suffered negativity in public eye later managed redeem clean image emphatic faultless win in 1997 down run beating strong local , international field.

Death and aftermath Sukayna bint Husayn

an iranian child in mourning of muharram red headband written o ruqayyah . in dungeon, zainab tried console sayyedah sakinah , said meet father. 1 night, when sakinah asleep, woke crying , started father everywhere. women tried console stop crying, continued: o dear aunt, father? few minutes ago father, , kissed me , said dear sakinah me. father now? @ this, women started cry, , crying heard yazid @ court. yazid sent severed head of al-husain prison, , when sakinah received head of father, started cry more , held tight , asked father: cut off father s head, martyred father, why held captives? these words of sorrow, sakina quiet. thought sakinah had gone sleep again, had died, @ age of 4 or five. her body buried in dungeon. zaynab held still child ‘ali dug grave sister in dungeon. clothes burnt in karbala, , due injuries, had intermingled flesh. therefore, buried in same burnt, ripped clothes in dungeon of syria. grave being filled after burial, mother let out scream. of women hu

Operation timeline 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict

1 operation timeline 1.1 phase 1: air strikes 1.2 phase 2: ground invasion 1.3 phase 3: withdrawal of israeli troops 1.4 result , post-conflict events operation timeline israeli residents of ashkelon run shelter during rocket alert. unosat picture of gaza, 1 august 2014 idf-released map of rocket launch sites in gaza phase 1: air strikes as israeli operation began, , idf bombarded targets in gaza strip artillery , airstrikes, hamas continued fire rockets , mortar shells israel in response. cease-fire proposal announced egyptian government on 14 july, backed palestinian president mahmoud abbas; israeli government accepted , temporarily stopped hostilities on morning of 15 july, hamas rejected in current form , citing fact hamas has not been consulted in formation of ceasefire , omitted many of demands. 16 july, death toll within gaza had surpassed 200 people. phase 2: ground invasion on 16 july, hamas , islamic jihad offered israeli government 10-year truce ten conditions centred on li

War over Germany Hermann Göring

göring hitler , albert speer, 10 august 1943 meanwhile, strength of , british bomber fleets had increased. based in britain, began operations against german targets. first thousand-bomber raid staged on cologne on 30 may 1942. air raids continued on targets further england after auxiliary fuel tanks installed on fighter aircraft. göring refused believe reports american fighters had been shot down far east aachen in winter 1943. reputation began decline. the american p-51 mustang, combat radius of on 1,800 miles (2,900 km) when using underwing drop tanks, began escort bombers in large formations , target area in 1944. point onwards, luftwaffe began suffer casualties in aircrews not sufficiently replace. targeting oil refineries , rail communications, allied bombers crippled german war effort late 1944. german civilians blamed göring failure protect homeland. hitler began excluding him conferences, continued him in positions @ head of luftwaffe , plenipotentiary of 4 year plan. lost hitl

Jones Act of 1917 History of Puerto Rico

the jones act made replace foraker act, allowed free entry of puerto rican goods u.s. market. jones act approved u.s. congress on december 5, 1916, , signed law president woodrow wilson on march 2, 1917. although extended citizenship puerto ricans, wasn t welcomed. partido union had opposed extension of u.s. citizenship in 1912 if didn t make puerto rico state. if didn t become state, u.s. citizenship interpreted attempt block independence of puerto ricans. them, promise of citizenship didn t affirm promise of statehood, excluded considerations of independence. the act made puerto rico organized unincorporated united states territory, colony. puerto ricans collectively given restricted u.s. citizenship. implied puerto ricans residing on island did not have full american citizenship rights, such right vote president of united states. u.s. citizens, conscription extended island. few months later, 20,000 puerto rican soldiers sent united states army during first world war. act divided g

Music Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

brian tyler hired compose score film. end credits track entitled requiem clash of 2 main themes, 1 consisting of predator type theme (bongos , basses) , second of aliens (high pitched violins, violas , flutes). cue requiem has been compared trailer music gothic power chris field (composer) the directors colin , greg strause wanted take new direction harald kloser s alien vs. predator score , wanted tyler use reference 2 films original score pieces, such horrific violas , percussion james horner s aliens , primitive tribal percussion alan silvestri s predator , sequel. tyler referenced composer john frizzel s alien: resurrection score, in tracks of national guard , taking sides .

By country Regional park

1 country 1.1 canada 1.1.1 saskatchewan 1.2 italy 1.3 new zealand 1.4 united states 1.4.1 definitions 1.4.2 midwest 1.4.3 california by country canada saskatchewan there 101 regional parks in saskatchewan. parks operated volunteer boards. italy regional parks in italy administered each region in italy, government unit u.s. state. new zealand in new zealand, regional parks administered regional councils rather department of conservation or territorial authorities. united states definitions in united states, regional park referred metropolitan park (metropark) or open space reserve. terms region , metropolitan can have different meanings in u.s. local government agencies. regional parks can administered regional park board, state, county or other units of local government. special authority can set up, under joint jurisdiction of 2 or more government bodies or independent park district administer parks. individual parks may or may not cross governmental boundaries. park district holds

History Noormags

1 history 1.1 backgrounds 1.2 inception 1.3 summary of activities history backgrounds accompanied rapid development of internet networks around world, idea of creating electronic journals bore fruit instantly, 110 titles of electronic publications , newsletters in 1991 increased 1689 titles in 1996 , on 4070 titles in 1997, according statistics released association of research libraries (arl). on these lines publications , websites providing articles took different approaches present publications on internet. websites attempted offer references of articles, published digital texts of articles, others offered images taken physical copies of journals instead of textual files , others, noor specialized magazines website (noormags) first website working method, presented journals in full text , full image. inception noor specialized magazines website (noormags) website affiliated computer research center of islamic sciences (crcis). largest islamic bank of specialized journals concerning i

Evolution Biodiversity of New Zealand

new zealand s geckos, such duvaucel s gecko, may have had origins in new caledonia although australia implicated in recent phylogenetic work. the break-up of supercontinent of gondwana left resulting continents , microcontinents shared biological affinities. zealandia (the continental crust new zealand , new caledonia later developed) began move away antarctic gondwana 85 ma ago, break being complete 66 ma ago. has been moving northwards since then, changing both in relief , climate. 23 million years ago new zealand underwater. 1 estimate suggests 18% of present surface area remained above water. geological evidence not rule out possibility entirely submerged, or @ least restricted small islands. today 93% of zealandian continent remains below sea. several elements of gondwana biota present in new zealand today: predominantly plants, such podocarps , southern beeches, distinctive insect fauna, new zealand s unusual frogs , tuatara, of new zealand s birds. seems primitive mammals part o

Professional wrestling career Espíritu (wrestler)

1 professional wrestling career 1.1 lucha libre aaa worldwide 1.1.1 los vatos locos 1.1.2 black family 1.1.3 el inframundo / la secta bizarra cibernetica 1.2 lucha libre elite professional wrestling career espíritu made debt on may 10, 1993 after learning trade bobby lee , herculés león. espíritu worked years on mexican independent circuit until began working lucha libre aaa worldwide (aaa) in mid late 90s. lucha libre aaa worldwide los vatos locos in 2000 espíritu picked replace charly manson in new stable called los vatos locos (spanish crazy guys ) manson being phased out of group form black family in 2001. espíritu joined picudo, nygma , may flowers. espíritu s first major appearance los vatos @ triplemanía viii on july 5, 2000. los vatos (in case espíritu, picudo , charly manson participated in 4 corners elimination match included perro aguayo, jr., el alebrije, , pathfinder, team japan (naomichi marufuji, minoru tanaka , genki horiguchi) , los vipers (histeria, psicosis ii , m

Regular season 1976 Chicago White Sox season

1 regular season 1.1 season standings 1.2 record vs. opponents 1.3 opening day lineup 1.4 notable transactions 1.5 roster regular season august 8, 1976: white sox took field wearing shorts instead of traditional baseball pants during first game of doubleheader against kansas city royals. despite winning game 5–2, shorts such disaster white sox dressed in pants second game. season standings record vs. opponents opening day lineup chet lemon, cf ralph garr, lf jorge orta, 3b cleon jones, dh buddy bradford, rf jim spencer, 1b bucky dent, ss jack brohamer, 2b pete varney, c wilbur wood, p notable transactions april 6, 1976: jeff holly released white sox. june 8, 1976: 1976 major league baseball draft steve trout drafted white sox in 1st round (8th pick). willie mcgee drafted white sox in 7th round, did not sign. lorenzo gray drafted white sox in 8th round. june 15, 1976: pete varney traded white sox atlanta braves blue moon odom. july 14, 1976: rich coggins traded white sox philadelphia ph

Korean War era 1st Fighter Wing

94th fighter-interceptor squadron f-86d effective 16 april 1950 1st fighter wing redesignated 1st fighter-interceptor wing, same designation simultaneously applied group , 3 squadrons. wing had, days previously, been relieved attachment 22d bombardment wing. organizational changes wing had experienced since 1947 paled in comparison multitude of changes unit underwent during last 6 months of 1950. of 30 june 1950, 1st fighter-interceptor group assigned 1st fighter-interceptor wing, assigned fifteenth air force , sac. on 1 july wing relieved assignment fifteenth air force , sac , assigned fourth air force , conac. two days later wing issued orders establishing advanced parties of headquarters , component organizations @ victorville (later george) afb, california. on 22 july advanced party of personnel headquarters, 1st fighter-interceptor group , 27th , 71st fighter-interceptor squadrons departed griffiss afb, new york. letter directing wing send group headquarters , 27th , 71st griffiss

Post war HMS Phoebe (43)

three sailors hms phoebe in barracca gardens, malta after vj-day, phoebe returned home refitting , spent 5 years in peacetime mediterranean fleet. in 1948 cruiser took elements of royal marines 40 commando haifa, assist in british withdrawal mandate palestine. on 30 june phoebe embarked last g. o. c. palestine , rearguard troops, evacuation completed. after period in reserve sold scrap in 1956. brought end relatively short eventful career.

Spread to non-adherents Religion and sexuality

many cultures attempt codify prescriptions concerning individual sexual behaviors. such codifications enacted laws, extending application beyond culture other cultures under purview of laws, including dissenters. most of islamic world has strict rules enforced violent punishments enforce islamic moral codes, including sexual morality on citizens, , impose on non-muslims living within societies. same true of various european christian regimes @ stages in history, , contemporary christians support restrictions on private expression of sexuality outside of marriage, ranging prohibitions of prostitution restrictions on oral sex , sodomy.

Hinduism Religion and sexuality

religiously, hindus begin life @ brahmacharya or student stage, in directed chastely advance educationally , spiritually prepare life of furthering dharma (societal, occupational, parental, etc. duties) , karma (right earthly actions); once reach grihastya or householder stage can seek kama (physical pleasure) , artha (worldly achievement, material prosperity) through marriage (generally arranged) , vocations, respectively. the kama sutra (discourse on kāma) vatsayana, believed manual sexual congress, offers insight sexual mores, ethics , societal rules prevalent @ time. shringara ras (romance, 1 of 9 rasas or emotions). drama in sanskrit, abhijnana shakuntalam kalidasa, cited 1 of best examples of shringara ras, talks of love story of dushyanta , shakuntala.

Mormonism Religion and sexuality

the lds churh not allow sexual expression lesbian , gay individuals. within many branches of mormonism principle denomination lds church teaches conservative views around sexual ethics in law of chastity holds masturbation, pre- , extra-marital sex, , same-sex sexual activity sins. in 1800s, however, allowed men married , have children several women, , women married several men @ same time. on various occasions lds church leaders have taught members should not masturbate part of obedience lds law of chastity. lds church believes sex outside of opposite-sex marriage sinful , same-sex sexual activity serious sin. god believed in heterosexual marriage heavenly mother , mormons believe opposite-sex marriage god wants children. top lds church leaders used teach attractions of same sex sin or disease changed or fixed, have no stance on etiology of homosexuality, , teach therapy focused on changing sexual orientation unethical. lesbian, gay, , bisexual members are, thus, left option of attemp

Kinetics Transient liquid phase diffusion bonding

^ macdonald w.d., , eager, t.w. transient liquid phase bonding. annual review of materials science . 22 (1) (1992), 23-46 ^ tuah-poku, i., dollar, m., massalski, t.b. study of transient liquid phase bonding process applied ag/cu/ag sandwich joint . metallurgical transactions a. 19(a) (1988), 675-686

Parks and recreation Indianapolis

a white-tailed deer in eagle creek park, 1 of largest municipal parks in u.s. indy parks , recreation maintains 200 parks covering 11,246 acres (4,551 ha). eagle creek park largest , visited park in city , ranks among largest municipal parks in u.s., covering 4,766 acres (1,929 ha). fishing, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, , swimming popular activities @ eagle creek reservoir. notable recreational trails include canal walk, pleasant run trail, , monon trail, accommodating 2.8 million users in 2012. there 13 public golf courses in city. military park established city s first public park in 1852. 20th century, city enlisted landscape architect george kessler conceive framework indianapolis modern parks system. kessler s 1909 indianapolis park , boulevard plan linked notable parks, such brookside, ellenberger, , garfield, system of parkways following city s waterways. in 2003, system s 3,474 acres (1,406 ha) added national register of historic places. two state parks located in marion count

Literature Indianapolis

a mural memorializing kurt vonnegut stands on mass ave. project completed local artist pamela bliss in 2011. indianapolis @ center of golden age of indiana literature 1870 1920. several notable poets , writers based in city achieved national prominence , critical acclaim during period, including james whitcomb riley, booth tarkington , meredith nicholson. in history of indiana literature, arthur w. shumaker remarked on era s influence: age of famous men , famous books. in indiana, , particularly indianapolis, became literary center in many ways rivaled east. 1947 study found indiana authors ranked second new york in number of bestsellers produced in previous 40 years. located in lockerbie square, james whitcomb riley museum home has been national historic landmark since 1962. perhaps city s famous 20th century writer kurt vonnegut, known darkly satirical , controversial bestselling novel slaughterhouse-five (1969). kurt vonnegut memorial library opened in 2010 downtown. vonnegut beca

Visual arts Indianapolis

robert indiana s iconic love @ indianapolis museum of art. founded in 1883, indianapolis museum of art (ima) ninth oldest , eighth largest encyclopedic art museum in u.s. permanent collection comprises on 54,000 works, including african, american, asian , european pieces. in addition collections, museum consists of 100 acres: virginia b. fairbanks art , nature park; oldfields, restored house museum , estate once owned josiah k. lilly, jr.; , restored gardens , grounds designed percival gallagher of olmsted brothers firm. ima owns miller house, mid-century modern home designed eero saarinen located in columbus, indiana. museum s holdings demonstrate institution s emphasis on connections among art, design , natural environment. the indianapolis art center, located in broad ripple village, founded in 1934 works project administration. center opened @ michael graves-designed building in 1996, including 3 public art galleries, 11 studios, library, auditorium , artspark along white river. in

Events 2009 in Thailand

1 events 1.1 january 1.2 february 1.3 march 1.4 april 1.5 may 1.6 june 1.7 july 1.8 august 1.9 september 1.10 october 1.11 november 1.12 december events january february march miss thailand universe 2009 held in bangkok.chutima durongdej won beauty pageant. april 2009 thai political unrest ended in april. protesters criticizing government. may 2009 asian wrestling championships held in pattaya may 2 may 7. june 2009 thailand standoff took place in yala, thailand on june 27. july august september october 2009 ptt thailand open ended on october 4.giles simon won singles tournament , eric butorac , rajeev ram won doubles tournament. thai port f.c. won 2009 thai fa cup final on october 23. november december

1981 Season: The Golden Age S.V. Transvaal

the transvaal lineup 1981: emile barron (gk) jules lagadeau (df) edwin schal (df) remie olmberg (df) harald brammerloo (df) wensley bundel (mf) johan leisberger (mf) roy vanenburg (mf) wong sai sang (mf) pauli corte (fw) theo klein (fw) humbert boerleider coach ^ la prensa grafica – marte las pagó en paramaribo . retrieved 2014-01-20.  ^ cite error: named reference transvaal invoked never defined (see page).

Production Flight for Freedom

a combination of live action , miniatures in flight freedom used depict final flight of tonie carter. flight freedom produced rko, ceo, floyd odlum, married jacqueline cochran, 1 of earhart s close friends , renowned aviator in own right. claimed based on screenplay submitted amelia earhart s husband, george p. putnam. rosalind russell s characterization of earhart-like aviator shows carter establishing reputation lady lindbergh , setting numerous aviation records. other characters loosely drawn real life, such earhart confidant , instructor paul mantz, fred noonan, albeit in role of pilot randy britton, played fred macmurray, on loan paramount pictures. principal photography, under working title stand die, completed late-august late-october 1942, additional scenes shot in december, release held coincide headline news surrounding battle of midway. newsreel footage incorporated show naval missions on area tonie carter portrayed having overflown.

Tourism Springfield, Illinois

the springfield maid-rite sandwich shop, showing drive-thru window springfield known popular food items: corn dog claimed have been invented in city under name cozy dog , although there debate origin of snack. horseshoe sandwich, not known outside of central illinois, originated in springfield. springfield once site of reisch beer brewery, operated 117 years under same name , family 1849 1966. lincoln s tomb the maid-rite sandwich shop in springfield still operates claims first u.s. drive-thru window. city known chili, or chilli , known in many chili shops throughout sangamon county. unique spelling said have begun founder of dew chilli parlor in 1909, due spelling error in sign. interpretation misspelling represented ill in word illinois. in 1993, illinois state legislature adopted resolution proclaiming springfield chilli capital of civilized world. springfield dotted sites associated u.s. president abraham lincoln, started political career there. these include lincoln home nati

Honours Raphaël Guerreiro

1 honours 1.1 club 1.2 international 1.3 individual 1.4 orders honours club borussia dortmund dfb-pokal: 2016–17 international portugal uefa european championship: 2016 fifa confederations cup: third place 2017 individual 2015 uefa european under-21 championship: team of tournament uefa european championship team of tournament: 2016 uefa champions league breakthrough xi: 2016 orders commander of order of merit ^ portugal fez uma prova excelente , diz fernando santos [ portugal had excellent tournament , fernando santos says] (in portuguese). tsf. 2 july 2017. retrieved 4 july 2017.  ^ cite error: named reference under21 invoked never defined (see page). ^ uefa euro 2016 team of tournament revealed . 11 july 2016. archived original on 16 july 2016. retrieved 11 july 2016.  ^ our champions league breakthrough team of 2016 . 24 december 2016. retrieved 24 december 2016.  ^ seleção recebe insígnias de marcelo no porto [national team receives insignia marcelo in

Functions Wenlin Software for learning Chinese

1 functions 1.1 dictionary function 1.2 list function 1.3 corpus , text function functions dictionary function the dictionary contains electronic version of abc chinese–english dictionary john defrancis , shuowen jiezi seal character dictionary. current version (4.3.2) contains more 300,000 chinese-english entries , on 60,000 english-chinese entries.. allows users search chinese characters or words inputting either chinese characters or pinyin using variety of input options, including handwriting recognition. users can update existing entries add new definitions dictionary. program can extended additional data modules, such abc etymological dictionary of old chinese. unlike electronic chinese dictionaries, characters in wenlin defined in terms of character description language (cdl), xml specification describing complex glyphs in east asian language, developed wenlin institute. allows program define characters , character variants not defined in existing character sets such unicode. ve

Powick Old Bridge Powick

powick old bridge on river teme the old bridge across teme @ powick late mediaeval 17th-century alterations, built of sandstone brick parapets. grade listed structure. in 1642 bridge scene of 1 of first skirmishes between royalist , parliamentarian soldiers in english civil war in became known battle of powick bridge. short, sharp, decisive cavalry engagement resulted in victory royalists , showed parliamentarian cavalry shortcomings, setting tone stages of conflict. long ballad gives surprisingly detailed account of battle. the more famous battle of worcester later on in war, in 1651, fought in part in same locality close river teme, when 2 northern-piers of bridge destroyed royalists. church in powick village used royalists lookout point commanded elevated views on surrounding countryside , bridge , approaches. tower has lot of pockmarks small bore cannon balls fired parliamentarian gunners deter scottish royalist forces using tower. extend south face of tower low head height top.

Products Zen (microarchitecture)

1 products 1.1 desktop processors 1.2 mobile processors 1.3 server processors products zen architecture utilized in latest generation desktop ryzen cpus. in epyc server processors (successor of opteron processors), , apus. the first desktop processors without graphics processing unit (codenamed summit ridge ) expected start selling @ end of 2016, according amd roadmap; first mobile , desktop processors of amd accelerated processing unit type (codenamed raven ridge ) following in late 2017. amd officially delayed zen until q1 of 2017. in august 2016, demonstration of architecture showed 8 cores/16 threads engineering sample cpu @ 3.0 ghz. in december 2016, amd officially announced desktop cpu line under ryzen brand release in q1 2017. confirmed server processors released in q2 2017, , mobile apus in h2 2017. on march 2, 2017, amd officially launched first zen architecture-based octacore ryzen desktop cpus. final clock speeds , tdps 3 cpus released in q1 of 2017 demonstrated better per

Bills and motions 2 Abdussamad Dasuki

^ 4472.pdf (pdf). retrieved 15 june 2016.  ^ house of reps: order paper wed march 16, 2016 . eparlaimentng. 16 march 2016. retrieved 15 june 2016.  ^ chuks, enjoy. hon. dasuki abdussamad, 21 april 2016 moves second reading of bill amend n . youtube. retrieved 15 june 2016.  ^ lois, jonathan (12 june 2016). how north-east development commission conceived . authority. retrieved 15 june 2016.  ^ house of representatives votes , proceedings tuesday, 13 october 2015 . national assembly, federal republic of nigeria. retrieved 15 june 2016.  ^ krishi, musa abdullahi (16 december 2015). reps demand details of external reserves, accrued interests . daily trust. retrieved 15 june 2016. 

Direct contributions to medicine Hippocrates

clubbing of fingers in patient eisenmenger s syndrome; first described hippocrates, clubbing known hippocratic fingers . hippocrates , followers first describe many diseases , medical conditions. given credit first description of clubbing of fingers, important diagnostic sign in chronic lung disease, lung cancer , cyanotic heart disease. reason, clubbed fingers referred hippocratic fingers . hippocrates first physician describe hippocratic face in prognosis. shakespeare famously alludes description when writing of falstaff s death in act ii, scene iii. of henry v. hippocrates began categorize illnesses acute, chronic, endemic , epidemic, , use terms such as, exacerbation, relapse, resolution, crisis, paroxysm, peak, , convalescence. of hippocrates major contributions may found in descriptions of symptomatology, physical findings, surgical treatment , prognosis of thoracic empyema, i.e. suppuration of lining of chest cavity. teachings remain relevant present-day students of pulmona

Haussmann begins work – the Croisée de Paris (1853–59) Haussmann's renovation of Paris

the rue de rivoli, shown here in 1855, first boulevard built haussmann, , served model others. the boulevards , streets built napoléon iii , haussmann during second empire shown in red. built bois de boulogne park (green area on left), bois de vincennes park containing zoo (green area on right), parc des buttes-chaumont, parc montsouris , dozens of smaller parks , squares. napoléon iii dismissed berger prefect of seine , sought more effective manager. minister of interior, victor de persigny, interviewed several candidates, , selected georges eugène haussmann, native of alsace , prefect of gironde (capital: bordeaux), impressed persigny energy, audacity, , ability overcome or around problems , obstacles. became prefect of seine on 22 june 1853, , on 29 june emperor showed him map of paris , instructed haussmann aérer, unifier, et embellir paris: give air , open space, connect , unify different parts of city 1 whole, , make more beautiful. haussmann went work on first phase of renovatio

Construction Schleswig Cathedral

gothic inside of schleswig cathedral in 1134, construction of new romanesque basilica began. work completed around 1200, because additional nave constructed can still seen today. construction materials included granite, tuff rhine, , brick. in 1134, danish king niels headless body laid out in st. peter s cathedral after pulled schlei in nets of local fishermen. monks attended corpse heard strange noises , thought spirit of king niels wandering in church. result, king s body taken gottorp , stuffed boggy grave. hammered stake through niels chest keep him there. legend has king niels still haunts cathedral, , still hunts across moors , forest of schleswig hounds. king frederick of denmark entombed in cathedral. after collapse of 2 towers , parts of basilica in 1275, high gothic hall choir constructed , completed around 1300. the late gothic hall church built 1200 1408 , completed in 16th century. in 1894 cathedral got final outward appearance. in 1879 schleswig became provincial capita

Redeployment to Central Front North Western Operational Command

pavel batov in 1945 @ moscow victory parade of 1945 in red square due position in western sector of salient, 65th emerged unscathed battle of kursk, , equipped exploit german defeat. in late july , august army joined in pursuit of german forces dnepr river. on 15 oct., divisional , army artillery firing 1,000 shells per minute in support, 193rd rifle division forced crossing of dnepr. point on, 65th army began earning well-deserved reputation abilities in river-crossing , bridgehead operations.

External links Justin Knapp

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Classification of simple Lie groups Simple Lie group

1 classification of simple lie groups 1.1 full classification 1.2 compact lie groups 1.2.1 series 1.2.2 b series c series 1.2.3 d series 1.2.4 exceptional cases classification of simple lie groups full classification simple lie groups classified. classification stated in several steps, namely: classification of simple complex lie algebras classification of simple lie algebras on complex numbers dynkin diagrams. classification of simple real lie algebras each simple complex lie algebra has several real forms, classified additional decorations of dynkin diagram called satake diagrams, after ichirô satake. classification of centerless simple lie groups every (real or complex) simple lie algebra g {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}} , there unique centerless simple lie group g {\displaystyle g} lie algebra g

World War II 128th Air Refueling Wing

362d fighter group - p-47 thunderbolts 1945 received duc mission against harbor @ brest on 25 august 1944 when, in spite of heavy overcast , intense enemy fire, group attacked @ low altitude, hitting naval installations, cruisers, troop transports, merchant vessels, , other objectives. bombed , strafed such targets flak positions, armored vehicles, , troop concentrations during battle of bulge, december 1944– january 1945. received second duc action on moselle-rhine river triangle despite intense antiaircraft fire encountered while flying armed reconnaissance in close cooperation infantry forces in area on 16 march 1945, group hit enemy forces, equipment, , facilities, targets including motor transports, armored vehicles, railroads, railway cars, , gun emplacements. continued operations until may 1945 assigned occupation duty. the group reassigned united states in august–september 1945, , assigned first air force @ seymour johnson field, north carolina, being programmed deployment okin

Cornwall A38 road

bat bridge on a38 dobwalls bypass, cornwall, uk. (2009) the liskeard bypass, stretching 6 miles (10 km) west of liskeard trerulefoot, opened in june 1976. public inquiry held dobwalls bypass in february 2005, expected cost £32 million. bottleneck removed when bypass, linking existing liskeard bypass current single carriageway section through glynn valley opened in winter of 2008. campaign open road started villagers in dobwalls in 1930, planning building road not granted until 2006, work starting on 15 november year. 2 bat bridges , 1 bat house added road cut through existing bat flight lines. after opening dobwall bypass experienced problems surface water. led lane closures in winter due risk of ice. major scheme reconstruct mile of bypass started in september 2014 , expected last until may 2015. thought cost £10.6 million. in separate improvement within glynn valley, highways agency stabilised 840-metre (0.52 mi) section of road near bodmin parkway railway station. work, commenced in

Career Peg Leg Bates

peg leg bates backstage after performing @ denver md marathon, december, 1954 at 20, bates dancing on broadway. in 1940s, @ paradise club in atlantic city, new jersey, bates jet plane finale, in leaped on stage, landed on wooden leg, , executed series of backward hops accompanied trumpet blasts band, saw leg puncture wooden stage floor. took half hour pull him out. after that, stage floor reinforced metal sheeting. bates performed on ed sullivan show 22 times, , had 2 command performances before king & queen of england in 1936 , again in 1938. during uso hospital tour, partnered vaudeville tap dancer dixie roberts, said danced better 1 leg else two. part of first louis armstrong tour of britain in mid 1950s.

IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line platform Chambers Street–World Trade Center/Park Place (New York City Subway)

park place on brooklyn branch of irt broadway–seventh avenue line located on park place between broadway , church street. underground station relatively deep because line underpins bmt broadway line , irt lexington avenue line, built when opened on august 1, 1918. during 1964–1965 fiscal year, platforms @ park place, along @ 4 other stations on broadway–seventh avenue line, lengthened 525 feet accommodate ten-car train of 51-foot irt cars. it has 2 tracks , single island platform line of blue i-beam columns alternating ones having standard black name plate in white lettering. both track walls have gold trim line along p tablets @ regular intervals. northwest (railroad north) of station, tracks of station become express tracks of irt broadway–seventh avenue line, curving sharply northeast under west broadway. station close next stop north, chambers street @ west broadway, , northernmost entrances of station @ church , chambers streets less 400 feet (120 m) entrances station @ chambers

References Executive compensation in the United States

books lucian bebchuk , jesse fried, pay without performance: unfulfilled promise of executive compensation (2006) journal articles bebchuk, lucian; grinstein, yaniv (april 2005). growth of executive pay (pdf). harvard university: john m. olin center law, economics , business.  yoram landskroner , alon raviv, 2007–2009 financial crisis , executive compensation: analysis , proposal novel structure paolo cioppa, executive compensation: fallacy of disclosure kenneth rosen, killed katie couric? , other tales world of executive compensation reform (2007) 76 fordham law review 2907 carola frydman learning past: trends in executive compensation on twentieth century (2008) center economic studies alex edmans, xavier gabaix, tomasz sadzik, , yuliy sannikov dynamic ceo compensation (2012) journal of finance 67, 1603-1647 dehaan, ed; hodge, frank; shevlin, terry j. voluntary adoption of clawback provision improve financial reporting quality? (2012) contemporary accounting research, for