Television The Dresden Files
debuting on january 21, 2007, sci fi channel tv adaptation starred paul blackthorne eponymous wizard. harry s history in series differed of novels in several significant ways; father, malcolm dresden, did not die aneurysm, instead murdered justin (named morningway rather dumorne, , harry s biological uncle). bob spirit of medieval wizard who, in punishment using black magic resurrect life s love, doomed spend eternity inside skull; can manifest human appearance outside skull - within short radius of skull - , must return skull when ordered. in bob? , revealed dresden s primary magical teacher child. harry wears magical shield-bracelet (and has pentacle necklace, makes appearance in flashback scenes bad blood ) once belonged mother, , given him father. private investigator, harry drives korean-war-era military jeep instead of infamous blue beetle vw beetle of novels (a change made based on actor blackthorne s height , difficulty of filming inside vw beetle, fact more clown car o...